Aug 31, 2006 21:35
I'm here!!!! I'm on the internet!!!! Finally!!!
Well I hope everyone is doing well at college. I hope you are all making new friends, working hard at your classes, and enjoying your college experience. I know I am. I have not been to one party. I haven't even seen alcohol since I've been here. But I am happier than any drunk person in the world.
I have been hanging out with Courtney Williams. It's fun. We are getting along very very well. I never get to see my friend Amy because she dropped music.
Don't scream or roll your eyes or anything when I say this.
I have a boy. lol
I know it's only been two weeks, but if you count all of the time we've spent together and compare it to the time we spent with our boyfriends in high school, then it's been like two months. We have every class together. We are together all day every day. Hours and hours and hours. It's so much different than usual. And you know what else? My parents are going to love him. lol.
His name is Joey Ohodnicki. I could talk about him all day, but I will spare those who don't care or who are opposed. Ask if you want to know.
I have eleven classes. I just finished hemmingways "the snow of kilamanjaro" i had two days to read the whole thing and write and essay and analyze it. This is crazy. But I am totally handling it and I don't think I have ever been this happy. Ever.
But I do miss you guys very very much and I would give anything to see you!
Hope to talk to all of you.
Love Always,