"No complaints, oh this is the good life."
News: Well, I have a dress and shoes from my mom for the Military Ball, and a beautiful necklace courtesy of two close friends. I'm really happy because for that.
Oh lord, I want this one Pinky Street doll of the Air Gear character Ringo. I think it's gotta be the ultimate cute. No LJ-cut, I resized the pictures, hopefully small enough to make you content.
Is it not unbearably cute? OH GODDDDD! D:
Annnd then there's this Air Gear one, also the first and only male Pinky Street. Agito/Akito!
Also unbearably cute, one of my friends bought him, we can match if I get the Ringo one, omg.
Other: I admit, I was a bit sad/upset last night, because my dad was ignoring me and telling me semi-rude things, but I wasn't mad. I have a lot to be thankful for, it seems. So, if I'm ever bummed about something like that and its nothing serious, don't worry about me. I'm fine.