I missed school : (

Apr 09, 2004 20:08

Man I woke up late today! My dad came into my room and was like " Are you going to school today?" and I looked at my clock and I was like " OMG I am late!" So he asked meh if I had any tests today and I told him yeah, but I could make it up so he was like " Just stay home". It was pretty boring though because all I did was like sleep and then clean my room. Finally my room is how I wanted it. Since my sis left I was supossed to like clean out under my bed and put it in my closet, but now I finally did it. Well I am going to my Mom's tomorrow in Rancho Cucamunga. It is cool, but sucks at the same time. It's cool because it's kinda fun at her house and like she takes me shopping and stuff, but it sucks because today is the first day of spring break! and I want to hang out with my friends sooo bad. Oh well I guess. Well, I am soo bummmed today because I want to go to The River (not an actual river it's a place where alot of ppl go to hang out. Like an outdoor mall thing)any way, nobody could go so now I am stuck at home bored as hell. Man I wanted to go to school! Now I am not gonna see Robert for like a week!! OKay well any way this is like the longest entry I have ever had. I am gonna go now! Tata!
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