Aug 22, 2009 09:16
The following day of meeting Guy and getting to play with him for an hour, I called the shelter with a question. I remember asking it there but I don't remember the answer. It was about the adoption fee, the women said "70 if blah blah and 100 and blah blah if blah blah come back". I was busy playing with the little hansome to fully listen to her.
I called when I was still at my internship because I knew I was going to be working late. And I she said that he was adopted this morning...which was a few days ago but you get the idea. I fall in love and someone else gets him.
Figures. Before I was showing off "my baby" and than life is like NOPE! You have been waiting and working for this only for about a should wait longer!
Anyway one of my co-workers said that I should of talked to him first because he has a cat that needs a good home. I'm trying not to get excited because I don't want to get let down again, but I'm going to see her monday. Maybe I can fall for her too. He says shes a sweetheart and he told me her back story...she was a stray, he started feeding her, she warmed up to him, following him around and what not, she got preggers, he called all the animal help people and they said they can't help or they would just put her down, so he opened his garage for her, one day he heard her yowling, she was having her kittens, he put on some gloves and helped her give birth <3, he moved her and her kittens to his basement (safer/warmer), after all the kitten were grown up and griven away he had her fixed and all shotted up, and now she is afraid to go outside, she is all house trained. He wants her to have a good home, he has a big dog and he's afraid that he will hurt her.
Maybe I just have to see her.