Mar 13, 2005 16:48
so school was intresting with wasn't as bas as i had anticipated. my arms are killing me though...i have no upper body strength..XD. yea so anyway my ankle is killing me right now cause i just got back from el mallo..and yea. yea so i realized who i liked like thursday and it's pretty pathetic when u think about it..but when it comes down to it he's nicer then anyone else i ever liked..i mean he makes fun of me but it's not like's just funni..but yea it's weird...but w/e. hrmmm...i'm realli happi right now. which is realli good i guess. i'm not doing the best in school or anything like that but i dunno i kinda have hope again..and just thinking about the future makes me smile =)...n e way i got my pics from my party but i can'tost them becaue i dun have a scanner at mi padre's house so yea...