(no subject)

Jul 09, 2005 11:21

i'm sitting here at my laptop in my room
i'm sitting here at my laptop in my room waiting for the perfect time to clean my room
i'm sitting here at my laptop in my room waiting for the perfect time to clean my room realizing that the perfect time to clean my room would be now, but i'm far too lazy for that

so as i was sitting here in my room..... i realized that i havent updated my live journal in quite some time. and then i was reading cavvs and she had that super cool thing that everybody is doing wth the numbers and the people and stuff you know? i thought i might do one of those. i have a feeling my bordem is going to make this a sort of long entry for nobody to read. sexy.

the song just changed to godspeeeeeed
heart dixie chicks

today is july 9, 05 which means
its joey p's bday
its officially the 29th day of summer which by the way is going just wonderfully
29 is a super duper number
its exactcly 10 days until erins birthday :-) yay

i should clean my room
its gross
clothes all over the floor kinda smelly actually
but itl only take me like 10 minutes
and still i wont do it
but i wont allow myself to do nething else productive till my room is clean
my sheets are in the wash :-) clean sheets are nice

the song has changed to i'll be.. sexy

this was so long and pointless

interestinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ok go

1) chelsea

2) erin

3) mick

4) ivan

5) cav

6) seany

7) joeyy

8) kevin

9) paige

10) blake

11) todd

12) kayli

13) matt

14) merssss

15) slowik

16) shelly

17) lisa

18) timmy

19) maggie

20) stephhh

1. Who is 8 going out with: nobodyy :-/
2. Is 9 a boy or a girl: a girl i hope
3. Would 11 and 2 make a cute couple:  hmm maybe.. i dont really know
4. How about 18 and 4: haha yes very cute couple 
5. What job does 17 have?: she doesnt have a job
6. When was the last time you talked to 12: last night!
7. What is 6's favorite band: i dont know he is crazy
8. Does 1 have any siblings: yeah dude caitlin and bub
9. Would you ever date 3: i am right now
10. Would you ever date 7: hmmm idk
11. Is 15 single: yeah
12. What's 16's last name: shimon
13. What's 5's middle name?: uh oh      i dont know.....
14. What's 10's fantasy:  i dont want to know
15. Would 14 and 19 make a good couple:  sexy
16. What school does 20 go to? do they work?: shs!! no i dont think so
17. Tell me a random fact about 11: he does a really cool cat in the hat impression
18. And 1: hhaha ummm lets see.. she doesnt really like meat, just chicken. shes cwazy
19. Have you ever had a crush on 16: god no
20. Where does 9 live: in a huge ass house
21. What's 4's favorite color: idk probly brown
22. Would you makeout with 17: already do everyday
23. Are 5 & 6 best friends?: not best friends but good friends
24. Does 7 like 20: yes i believe they are friends
25. Does 8 like 19: they are also friends
26. How did you meet 15?: idk thru other people i guess
27. Does 10 have any pets:  yes , ginger
28. Have you ever given 3 a hug: yea
29. Is 13 the sexiest person alive: close
30. Have you seen 6 naked: :-x nobodys sposta know about that ;-)
31. Has 4 kissed 11: maybe.... i dont think so
32. Where does 7 want to get married: in maine  
33. Does 17 like to masterbate: lol probly not maybe theres a crazy side of her we dont know about
34. What should 12 stop doing: being so super cool
35. What should 20 start doing more often: coming over!!!
36. Have you ever thought about 9 naked: everyday
37. If you were with 18 right now, where would you go: hmmm idk maybe to the corner of farmgate and hazel
38. Have you ever seen 3 drunk: not that i know of
39. If you and 11 were the last people alive, would you reproduce: yes most likely 
40. What's something strange that 7 does?: gets rid of his really comfty beds
41. What celebrity does 8 look like: hahah  i dont knowwwwww
42. Does 10 remind you of anything: hmmm screaming infedelities
43. What do you love the most about 14: ahh everything , i love the teapartys we had when we about 3 years old
44. Would 10 and 13 make cute babies: not possible
45. What do 1 and 14 have in common: they are both blonde and crazy and my best friends
46. Has 2 ever seen you cry: no i dont think so
47. When is 11's birthday: dec 30 
48. Has 5 ever liked 18: hmm maybe. i dont think so
49. Does 2 have any hidden talents: in bed she does
50. If you were hanging out with 19, what would you guys do: make a tent in my basement wooo

finally thats over


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