Amat app

Feb 14, 2010 15:43

» Name: Dai Lee
» Fandom: Let Dai
» Reference: and
» Canon Point: Volume 15, after his father sends him to America
» Gender: Male
» Age: 19 When the series starts, Dai is 18 and in his second year of high school because he dropped out for a year and was held back for a second, but since over a year passes by his canon point, he'd be 19.
» Orientation: Gay. His love interest throughout the series, Jaehee Yoo, is male and given that he hates almost all women, it's unlikely he has any interest in them.

» Personality: To the teachers and high-schoolers in Seoul, Dai is both the devil, considered to have a dangerous yet charismatic air to him, and a thing of legends and rumors. He is so violent that most of the street gangs fear him and, before he left them, his gang - the Furies. A rumor about Dai beating up 50 people as a freshman is circulated as truth and believable because of how easily he can be cruel. At first, the violence is just for violence's sake, since he claims he's twisted as a reflection of the twisted world he's in, but that morphs over the series into Dai only becoming willing to be violent to protect himself, his reputation, and to deal with trouble Jaehee, the most important person in his life, gets into typically simply because of his association with Dai.

Dai is so possessive over Jaehee that he condones the gang rape of Jaehee's girlfriend, Eunhyung, once he decides that he wants the boy for himself. Though he claims not to care about any of his scars, it's revealed late in the series that the time he made Jaehee stab him to take out his anger was the time he truly understood what it meant to hurt someone. As he states time and time again, Jaehee is everything to him and being kept away from him by force as opposed to the times when he simply takes a break from him for his own reasons are the times Dai seems to be the least happy.

But there's more to him than just his outward hatred for people who fake their compassion and try to change people, women (who he deems obstacles and too emotional despite the fact that he acts on his own emotions most of the time), and anything else that frustrates him on a given day. Dai cared deeply for his grandmother, who had Alzheimer's and couldn't always remember who he was or where she was. His father, a brutal man who once stuck a gun in Dai's mouth and threatened to pull the trigger and has forcibly removed him from the country twice, neglected her, leaving Dai as the one to worry about her whenever she got sick and be by her side when she died. Dai cared for her so much that he considered suffocating her to put her out of her pain and illness, but in the end he held back.

He's an asshole, proven over and over again throughout the series, but not one incapable of feeling guilt about some of the things he does. Yes, he only beats up the men who gang-raped Eunhyung to appease Jaehee, not because he truly wanted to see them suffer. However, after he decides to end his frustrating relationship with Angela Jin, a kind, devout Catholic teacher who wanted nothing more than to see Dai change into something better, by having her stuffed into a sleeping bag and left as a decoy to be beaten by people who wanted to hurt Dai instead, and learns that as a result of the attack, she will go blind, he tells his father that he will never return to Korea. It's shown that he sends her a birthday card in the future and someone (who may very well be Dai in disguise) says it's because "his conceit made him see the world all crooked".

Dai does things on his own terms, repeatedly defying the wishes of both his parents and his vice principal by pursuing his relationship with Jaehee. It's only once Jaehee is forced to change schools that he more seriously puts on the act of being a good student and finishing high school. Jaehee motivates his decision to change schools, his choice to leave his gang behind and become violent on different terms, and even changes his reading preferences. Early in the series, Dai says he's never read Pablo Neruda, but by the end, lists the man as one of his favorite authors, which is proof of his influence given that he typically prefers to read manhwa rather than serious books. No matter his choice in reading material, he randomly says deep or poetic things at moments that you'd least expect them, such as detailing the story of a foreigner who came to a new land and kept dancing despite the king's protests until the moment he died.

Along with the tendency to be randomly deep is an intensely silly, childish side that shows up when he's with Jaehee and feels especially comfortable. He'll ask to be pushed around the supermarket in a cart, drag him off to the beach in winter, organize a small barbecue party wearing a long wrap around his waist rather than pants or shorts, or go back and forth with Jaehee saying things like "I fork you" and "I jungle you" rather than "I love you" to prove to each other that no other word could ever come close to saying what they feel for each other.

» Appearance: Dai has a deep tan, likely because he spends most of his time outside even when it's winter, and bleaches his hair as another way to stand out from the rest of his family and the monotonous Korean society he despises. He's likely around 5'9, solidly built from several years of street fighting as part of a gang, and heavily scarred because of the same.

» "amatomnes" Entry: [Dai glares at the screen and taps it to make sure it's working. If looks could kill, someone would be dead right now.]

Is this another fucking scheme my father decided to pull on me? I told the bastard I wasn't going back to Korea - I'm not going to ruin his plans or his ambition by being a disgrace when I'm a continent away. This isn't America anymore, so who the hell drugged me and took me here? And if you know who my father is and expect some kinda ransom for my safe return, you might as well kill me now. He's never gonna pay.

» "amatomneslogs" Entry: Ever since he left Korea, Dai had grown used to the intense dreams of Jaehee - mostly wondering how he was recovering after being dumped in the hospital, but sometimes thinking about the things they'd never managed to do in the year they'd known each other. Love and desire all tangled together; that heat had never combusted in reality the way it did in his dreams.

When he woke up, sweaty and sticky from the end of the dream, it took Dai a moment to realize that this wasn't the small bed he'd fallen asleep on in his home in America. He cursed and quickly looked around for some sort of clue. Dai hadn't been drinking last night, so this wasn't the bed of some idiot who'd taken pity on him and gave him a place to crash. It also felt far too warm to be the place he'd left behind, which only confused him more. Despite the lack of alcohol, his night felt like a haze. Did someone drug him - someone who knew his father and thought they'd get good money by kidnapping a politician's kid? That was a joke. His father hated him and would never pay. The bastards would have to keep him until he rotted if they expected a damn dime.

Dai stretched and got out of bed. Usually, he slept in just boxers but even those were gone now. None of this made any fucking sense, he thought as he took in the surroundings. It didn't look like anywhere he'd been on his past trips or anywhere he could have wanted to go in America. He looked in the mirror, trying to see if there were marks on him to help his memory, but only saw a necklace that hadn't been there when he fell asleep. Dai tried, and failed, to undo the clasp. Fucker wouldn't come undone. He kicked the nearby dresser hard in his frustration. It sent pain zipping through a few toes, but Dai didn't care. While they stung, he noticed a phone, or something like one, on top of it. Maybe someone'd left him a message.
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