fa la la la la

Apr 12, 2007 00:41

1. i like posting a lot. i don't care if it makes me look like a loser

2. i wish i could start telling my parents the truth about things. but it is so hard to start after i've gotten on this spree of deception that has generally worked out too well for me

3. if that poetry contest isn't valid i'm going to feel like the biggest lame-o ever

4. maybe i'm glad that i'm not in a relationship in high school. or maybe i just don't care anymore.

5. i dont like hanging out wiht brigid on the weekends because i'd rather be hanging out with you. but this weekend i won't really be able to hang out with anyone besides her and her possey

6.i'm trying not to let this cold weather bring me down but shit, this really brings a somber mood to anything i do

7. overall, i feel pretty secure and pretty happy. i'm not ready to move on from high school or from friends by any means, but i do feel like i need a break from being at home. i never spend the night out (the last time was literally the cast party) and of course weeknights are always at home. it gets lame. i need excitement. i need new places to explore
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