Jan 13, 2006 22:52

So today is my three year fandom anniversary! Woohoo! Which I will celebrate by leaving fandom.

... well. I always had a flail for the dramatic, didn't I? I'm just joking. Except not.

To explain: yes, today or tomorrow probably is exactly three years after I followed a link and started reading the Draco Trilogy. As for the other part... well. I think I actually 'left' fandom a long time ago, if you can ever do that. I don't read fic anymore, I don't write, I don't follow recs, I don't look at art... technically I do still rp in the HP world but that is seldom and rare and nothing big and planned. HP content on my friends list quite frankly bores me, and I don't think it's very nice of me to pretend to keep up with stuff when I really don't, and really couldn't care less.

So hi. This journal is now officially out of practice. I'll probably keep it around, to read my friends list and comment and stuff, but I doubt I'll be posting here much in the future. That might change, of course, but until then - apricotflower is where I've moved from now. BEFORE you go and click, however, know this: One of the main reasons I'm doing this is because I just don't feel comfortable posting on ifihadameadow any more. Probably just my own paranoia, but why do something if I don't enjoy it? I could, technically, either defriend a whole bunch of people or filter everything to the extremes, but I don't want to do that. I have issues about friends lock and stuff, and always feel pretentious of I flock stuff that doesn't need flocking for specific reasons (name-mentioning etc). I also want a journal I can spam without feeling guilty. Where I can write multiple posts a day, without using lj cuts. The whole minimalistic approach to ljing can be great - but it's just not my thing.

As you can perhaps see then this journal will be mostly just for myself. I have, however, decided to let people know that if they want to follow up on me then they can. You don't have to friend it, I might not friend you back, I might not friend anyone back, I might not friend any one period. I might also not use it at all (it has been known to happen) but eh, it's there, if/when I want to use it.

You probably don't even want to friend it after this little speech (woohoo! mission accomplished!) and rest assured - there will be no hurt feelings if you do/don't/etc. I might not even notice. I'm not leaving anyone, as I said, I'll probably still keep up with this friends list at least for a while, so yes.

And there you go!


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