I hafta go aooooooouuuuuuut tonight

Dec 02, 2005 15:34

ooooooooh LJ is all happy and christmassified! :D Hee at Frank ;)

at the same time - GIP! *so much love for mushroomfool that mushroom is just the cutest ever XD

In other words - classes over for the term! *dances around and cheers and throws confetti* Now I only have two essays to write and three finals to take!
... yeah.

Anyway. The point of this post: Do you think my fellow computer-lab dwellers would be annoyed with my incessant keyboard mashing, table tapping, foot stomping, half-singing etc? I don't actually sing (that would just be rude) but am listening to Rent and obviously must whisper along! That, and my habit of flicking really fast between my inbox and whatever else I'm working on (essay, in this case, or lj or whatever) to refresh? it's an unbreakable habit. Have for example refreshed my gmail ... three times in this sentence. Even if I'm not expecting any e-mails at the moment! *refreshes again* *and again* Just - whatever semi-empty moment I have I spend refershing my e-mail and flicking really quickly between windows and just randomly moving around. Hm. Just wondering :P

I don't think I have a point. But I should be essaying. I'm hungry and even if I'm not cold now then it's so incredibly cold outside that I shiver just at the thought of it which is kind of ironic because it's actually not that cold outside, sure colder than it's been all winter but homg, it's only about zero and I'm from Iceland, dammnit! *wears multiple layers and still shivers* But yes, winter has arrived with the regular superdry and raspy skin, heavy reliance on lip balms (I need a new one!), tea addiction and static hair. Hee!

that will be all :D *essays*

random, school

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