random points:
1. My last exam is in one month and two days. In the period until then I have to write four big (ish) essays (first of which is due NEXT WEEK) and take three finals. Wahholdme.
2. Apparently University of Iceland (my former school) is in second place when receiving funding out of all universities in Europe - from the bottom. You may see why I left.
3. It is, however, also described as top quality, well organised and administrated, and high student satisfaction.
... they were clearly never in first year polisci 2003-2004. (Not surprisingly, but hey.)
4. I am broker than a broke thing, have been living on visa for the last months, yet my parents call me from NY to brag about how they just spent *insane* amounts of money on nothing in particular. Almost makes me want to break down and beg for money, despite the whole independence thing.
... wait, did that already. It's called tuition.
5. The hour and a half set aside in the computer lab at school today to finish and hand in my resume was rather compromised by the fact that I left it at home. Um.
6. Freakonomics is a seriously cool book. Homework has never been this fun!
7. I accidentally dropped a book on a sleeping cat. Does that make me a bad person?
8. I got a package from home!! Am now a proud owner of incredibly cool and cute slippers and mittens which I strongly suspect being knitted by my grandmother, my iPod case which I have sorely been seperated from since I left it at home in August, and SÖL. Mmmmmmmmmmm, there's nothing like dried seaweeds to cheer you up! :D
9. Today I had to sit through an hour long class on penises. I was not amused. See my
squeamish lesbian icon for further proof.
That will be all. *goes back to Freakonomics*