I just realised that I haven't updated in the longest time. Nearly a week, actually. *hides* And here I used to have to fight myself not to update more than four times a day! What do you know XD However, shall update now, if not only to show off my fancy new Firefly moodtheme which I've used FAR too little!
Anyway! News of me? Not much, actually;) Am just enjoying my joblessness and staying with
amaralen and
kerrikins as usually! Dipped my toes back into
GC, last Friday was just hilarious. I love love spells ;)
Also! Last Sunday was the Victoria Pride Parade! It was very small but pretty rainbowy. So small we didn't actually bother going to the parade itself, actually. Even if that has nothing to do with sleeping in. At all! And anyway, I walked out of there with three rainbow bracelets, a rainbow necklace and even rainbow underwear;) But this is all just warmup for Vancouver Pride, in a month! Can't wait for that :D And is it sad that the main (or actually only) thing I miss about not being in Iceland right now? The Gay Pride in Reykjavík. More people live in Victoria then in the whole of Iceland, still that parade is HUGE and fantastic and so much fun!! And I haven't actually BEEN there since coming out which is very woe! Oh well, next year, then;)
Our kittens are adorable as always, and they're growing SO. FAST. Cai, at least, is becoming quite huge! Still ickle, obviously, but not nearly as tiny as Nadia, who is well, tiny. And curling up in my lap right now;) ... actually, make that too kittens cuhyrl4r... curled up in my lap at the moment. They like keyboards, and just computers in general. Very cute, even if it makes typing a bit difficult;)
Other random points of interest:
- Saw Bewitched! Can't stand the guy but Nicole Kidman is incredibly cute. Cute movie;)
- Got the Bewitched soundtrack (which rocks) and the new Coldplay CD! Even if technically they're
amaralen's but we share, like good roommates should;)
- now have WIRELESS YAY!!! *dances around with computer - still online*
And woe, for now both Katie AND Kerri have a daytime job, so I am all alone during the day! It is very woe. I might actually have to *gaspshock* find something to DO! Curse this country for not letting me get a job. *grumbles* I say Canada should be a part of the EEA. *nods* Who cares if it's technically not in Europe! Geologically, not all of Iceland is either! :D See? I have solved all my the world's problems, I should get a Nobel prize! Or, you know, I could just get married;) Anyone Canadian offering? :D After all, it is legal now, woohoo! *cheers*
However, in other slightly sadder but also fantastic news, I have to register for courses in UVic in two days. Which is yay! Only - they still think I should be a year 2 student. While I disagree and say that I am so smart that I should be a year 3 student. After all, I HAVE finished a year and a half of university, and the icelandic college I graduated from before that is comparable to a year or two of uni standing. So that shouldn't be a problem! Apart from the fact that um, I haven't exactly explained that TO UVic. Nor sent them the papers explaining that. And it might just be a liiiiiiiittle late now, since I have to register in two days. Ergo? I'm the world's biggest loser XD But, am going there now and seeing what I can do. *nods*
However, that includes disentangling myself from the two adorable kittens and trying to find some of the three sets of headphones that Katie has lying around somewhere. Since I (by accident) stole her iPod from her purse but not the headphones, leaving her with headphones but no iPod, and me with iPod but no headphones. We really do rock sometimes;)
OH! One more thing! This has apparently been on Katie's computer for a while but since yesterday on mine - Sometimes, in Firefox, in some tabs I can't scroll!! That is, with the spacebar or page down or end like I always do! Instead the cursor has changed to the little blinking line that comes when you're in a text box, and stays like that on the webpages!! it's INCREDIBLY annoying. I haven't yet seen if Mozilla has something to say about this, but does anyone know what I'm talking about?? Or more importantly, know how to fix it? Because it's driving me absolutely batshit out of my mind.
That will be all :D *has way too much fun with tags*