[HELLO NETWORK. Have a very large pair of BRIGHT RED EYES (with hexagonal pupils) staring right at you curiously. Snuffle. Snuff. The image slowly resolves to a rounded head streaked with circuit patterns everyone who hasn't fallen off might find familiar; a certain Program is now much bigger and a lot scalier.
He gives a curious "rrr" and blows on the surface of his communicator, making it ripple. Go magic pool!]
Deep in the heart of the forest lies a natural grotto known to be guarded by a fearsome dragon. At least, the neighboring villagers will tell you that much--the beast is ten times the size of a draft horse, flies in the dark of the night, snatches up innocent children (though no one can ever tell you just whose family has had a child snatched from it, exactly), and can eat twice its weight in hapless livestock.
The truth is somewhat less impressive. Rinzler--not much larger than one draft horse--is currently rolling around in the grass, having exhausted most of his curiosity on the grotto's magic picture-pool for the time being.
((ooc: OHI. have a rinzler derpdragon. ♥ Other residents of the ~enchanted forest~ are welcome to stop by; he probably knows most of the other talking animals, swan maidens, elves, etc. etc. on a no-harm basis, since he mostly eats...fish and chills with tiny Tosh all day.))