19. [spam/text/image/encrypted]

Aug 20, 2011 23:49

[Nearly simultaneous with Battim's announcement of traitors in their midst, those "traitors" still accessible to Rinzler have received slips of film with single-use passkeys printed on them slipped under their doors, shoved in their pockets during an "accidental" run-in in the halls, or otherwise delivered covertly to them. The film strips have a T tetramino pricked into them somewhere with a needle; hopefully their recipients will get the idea when an encrypted message from Rinzler pops up on the network and requests a password to view.

Rinzler's known friends and allies, of course, get their passkeys delivered on a more regular schedule.]

[encrypted to the "affected" Wardens and Inmates--Una, Kirk, Bruce, Heero, Olive, Morrigan, Atia]

[A series of images of different locations in Inmate-accessible areas of the Barge, seemingly chosen at random: eighth floor common room, the inside of a supply closet, an empty cabin on floor three, a corner of the gardens, and a few others. One feature is visible despite some odd camera angles in all of them: Rinzler's "watchful eyes" icon and a T tetramino in chalk, somewhere high up on a wall that can only be reached by climbing.]

If they chase you, hide.

[encrypted to unaffected members of Team Get the Fuck Off This Boat]

[A view-only copy of Rinzler's message to the "outed" people; copies of his files on every other Warden or Inmate (except Toshiko) who appears to have been replaced; documentation of his " conversation" with Arthas up until it went private.]

00:00:00 ?

[When is go-time?]

[encrypted to Toshiko Sato]

I know this is not a common flood. You could not be her.

[She gets a copy of the full conversation with Arthas, the compilation of hiding places, as well as a list of all his friends and allies.]

Take them back if you can.


spam, this is how we do security, encrypted, text, rinzler is a creeper, ic, image, rinzler is a helper

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