15. [spam] red in tooth and claw

Jul 30, 2011 22:17

[There is a large brown and red hawk flying the corridors of the Barge, on the look out for any unwary furry morsel that might step out where it can see them. It's spent most of its time up on the deck, lingering near the gardens--the knowledge there are rabbits there near all the vegetables is an almost irresistible lure--but can be seen perched in the stairwells at odd hours.



((ooc: Rinzler is a Harris's hawk, the only social bird of prey. c: While he can understand both humans and other animals, getting a word out of him is going to be a problem since...it's Rinzler. He's also taking advantage of the relative anonymity of this flood to work out some aggression by hunting down [and eating] anything he can get his talons on. :c So if anyone wants a big, very hungry hawk making a pass at them, or even just dropping in to check things out, feel free to drop a comment.))

spam, rinzler has probably lost it, ic, rinzler is a hawk, this is completely ominous in every way, better than lightjets, flood: animals

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