07. [text]

May 12, 2011 14:13

Suggest that incidence of Inmate-caused fatalities significantly reduced by implementation of "tit-for-tat" punishment for homicide: Killer suffers same death as victim, simultaneous with death of victim.

Offer of assistance with communication devices remains open.

[added somewhat later]

Query: Recommendation for preparation of liver (cow)?

[private to ( Read more... )

rinzler!clippy, here to protect you, text, shover robot, ic, keylogger!!, rinzler fails cooking forever, rinzler is a helper

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Private hopeless_hacker May 12 2011, 22:25:19 UTC
Why are you asking about liver?

[OOC: Re. the knives Rinzler took from Rayne's cache, were they still on him when he was attacked by Sylvanas? If he hid them in his cabin first, would it be safe to assume Toshiko searched it and found them while he was recovering, or not?]


Private ifightfor May 12 2011, 22:30:31 UTC
Have researched treatment for traumatic anemia. [...And might be making these replies while sitting next to half a pound of RAW LIVER. Yum!]

((ooc: "hid" would be generous; they just got dumped on the floor when he staggered back after getting arrow'd. c: So that's fine.))


Private hopeless_hacker May 12 2011, 22:35:38 UTC
[FACEPALM.] You've already been treated for traumatic anaemia. That's what doctors do. They treat people. All you need now is time and rest.

[OOC: lolol okay. Also, because the kitchen is well-secured that's a 'probably not' on the raw liver. :c]


Private ifightfor May 12 2011, 22:37:55 UTC
Supplemental iron not required? [THIS IS PROBABLY RELIEF.]

((ooc: PROBABLY A GOOD THING. Rinzler + raw liver = disaster.))


Private hopeless_hacker May 12 2011, 22:48:17 UTC
No. If it was, you would have been told.

Let me explain the Infirmary. If you're injured, or experiencing pain or discomfort, visit them there or send a message filtered to its staff. If it's an emergency, send them a message specifying your location and they will come and find you. In any circumstances, they will treat you, or they will explain how you can treat yourself, and give you the means to do so if necessary. You should never have to self-medicate for any reason.

I need you to do something for your own safety going on. Visit the library and do some research into human anatomy, first aid and general health. You need to be able to understand how to take care of yourself and - well - not do things like pull a sharpened projectile out of yourself.


Private ifightfor May 12 2011, 22:52:09 UTC
Pain is the price of failure. [KINDA STUCK ON THAT POINT. Life is paaaaain.]



Private hopeless_hacker May 12 2011, 22:55:34 UTC
'Pain is the price of failure'? That is a completely unprovable assertion.


Private ifightfor May 12 2011, 23:01:42 UTC


Re: Private hopeless_hacker May 12 2011, 23:04:10 UTC
If somebody sneezes near me and I catch a cold, it makes my throat hurt. Have I failed in some way?


Private ifightfor May 12 2011, 23:06:04 UTC

User Toshiko not required to operate under same restrictions. Seeking treatment reasonable.


Private hopeless_hacker May 12 2011, 23:11:24 UTC
And what restrictions are there, here and now on the Barge, that would force you to accept pain as a consequence of whatever caused it?


Private ifightfor May 12 2011, 23:17:03 UTC
Necessity of JA307020 operation parameters.


Re: Private hopeless_hacker May 12 2011, 23:28:02 UTC
Which I assume refer to the protection of the Grid.


Private ifightfor May 12 2011, 23:33:16 UTC
Perfection of the System. Elimination of faults.

[That's suspiciously like CLU's line of talk.]


Re: Private hopeless_hacker May 12 2011, 23:36:02 UTC
'The System'. As opposed 'a system' or 'anywhere system-like that you can stamp the same parameters onto, instead of accepting that you're in a new place in a new body that might benefit from a new set of parameters'.


Private ifightfor May 12 2011, 23:48:35 UTC
Query: User Toshiko required to cease being User Toshiko on arriving on the Barge?


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