
May 25, 2007 23:06

We were invited to provide sound for Baycon's concerts by Alison. Greg and I packed up tons of gear and made the 9.5 hour trip north to the Bay area.

We arrived at about 7pm and attempted to get our badges. Baycon is a for profit enterprise, so badge forms are a little more involved than other cons I've been to. While Alison Stern went off the get the proper sigs, Greg and I unloaded the van of its load of sound gear. Our room is only a few doors down from some of the function rooms of the con. We are about 100 feet from the filk room.

Small filk tonight, but some Atlanta area filkers dropped in with some good material, didn't catch their names. We wont get much more filking done due to concerts of Saturday and Sunday nights. We have to drive home on Monday.

filk, baycon

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