
Aug 06, 2008 12:04

 So i wrote this when i was leaving Matt a quick note right before lunch at Boeing. A simple note turned into a 3 paged.... thing. And for your entertainment (and to cure my boredom) i will be posting it here, the original version, in all its glory. (if i feel like adding something, they will be in brackets) *note: Most spelling errors were corrected from the original written version.


Your flashdrive = failure!

It wouldn't let me save the stupid PowerPoint..."read-only" crap. So I put the updated one on my flash drive, so as you will with it, for it is your servant, your slave in this computer generated world we live in. This falsehood in which we call life. A Game... a game that is unbeatable, for it always ends the same way. Only the one who walks alone may see the light. The senselessness of it all. It is only he, only then, that you will understand. Only then when you will see the journey of the lives around you, you will see the lives of your families, your friends, wife and children’s pass on by. From birth to death, yet time will stand still for you, unchanging, unmoving.

And why is that? Because my dear friend, time is unchanging, time is unmoving. It always was, and it always will be. Before our time, there was time, and after our time, there will be time. And in this sea of confusion, the sea of hate, anger frustration... happiness, joy and love, the only constant is time. You can not defy it. You will never reach the future because you will always be "now", forget your past, forget your old pains, your losses, your heartaches, forget your joys as well for they are now as frivolous as the existence of man. Live everyday as if it were your  last, because you don't know what will ever happen... in time, what cruel action fate has drawn for us. What inconceivable act will happen? You will never know, until it is to late of course. But do not dwell on this cruel reality, for it is true that time heals all wounds. All of your pains will be forgotten after you pass on into the next life. So to fill your mind with hate, and anger, sadness and depression, only takes time away from the things that truly bring you joy.

Fill your heart with love, never fret the following day, greet it with open arms. Because, deny it or accept it, it will come [and it will pass]. So my friend, take light of all that is given to you. Appreciate what you have instead of dreaming of what you don't. But if you must dream, dream to achieve, and do it! We all are here...now. Not yesterday and not tomorrow. So grab life by the reins and ride it, live it, feed it. Take use of everything you have, and use the most precious gift you have/will ever be given... Time

Your dear friend, 

cams, lunch break, time, flashdrive, boeing

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