(no subject)

Oct 05, 2005 12:13

"The younger lady was in the lovely blown and spring-time of womanhood; at that age, when, if ever angels be for God's good purposes enthroned in mortal forms, they may be, without impiety, supposed to abide in such as hers.

She was not past seventeen. Cast in so slight and exquisite a mould; so mild and gentle; so pure and beautiful; that earth seemed not her element, nor its rough creatures her fit companions. The very intelligence that shone in her deep blue eye, and was stamped upon her noble head, seemed scarcely of her age, or of the world; and yet the changing expression of sweetness and good humour, the thousand lights that played about the face, and left no shadow there; above all, the smile, the cheerful, happy smile, were made for home, and fireside peace and happiness."

Friends Only.

Starting over again, on the right foot. Just your run of the mill disclaimer.

I've decided to hide this stuff from the prying eyes of the world. Not that it's Pulitzer Prize winning or anything, I just feel that I really gotta limit it to the people I really trust, or else I just end up getting hurt. If you want to be on the list, either slip me a $20 or explain to me why you deserve to be here or read this stuff... convince me, and I'll be glad to oblige. Even better, just say, "Sup, I added you." and that should be sufficient.

"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend, to the death, your right to say it." -Voltaire.

Let's clear things up shall we?

This is above all, a journal. A diary. A log. A blog. A medium where I can express myself without fear of repercussion. Sometimes, things may seem harsh, irrational, or just plain crazy, but that's the way I might be feeling at the moment, and that's my way of dealing with shit that goes down. I selected this journal with a "comment" option, for others to respond with their queries, comments, concerns, or even bitchfests, because I believe in free speech. It is one of my most cherished rights as a Canadian citizen. And while I may not agree with alot of shit that goes down, as most of my close friends already know, I still believe that if I have a right to say anything, they should be allowed to say it too. And then I'm allowed to disagree. And so on, and so forth.

But for the love of all that is bonkable! Take everything on here with a grain of salt. These are not fully researched dissertations with footnotes and logic and structure. This is merely the extension of my feelings from my fingertips to my keyboard to the screen. Chances are I'll wake up in the morning and forget practically everything bad and remember only the good. I'll sleep on it and realize, maybe I'm not being fair or reasonable. And keep in mind that if you're not happy with what you see, you don't have to read it. The nice little "x" in the top right hand corner is your emergency exit.

As for not posting certain shit on here: this is my diary, mostly because I'm too lazy to actually keep a real diary, and I have crap handwriting. Plus, this allows my friends that are not here at the moment to keep up with what's going on in my life. These are MY choices. Respect them. If you're not happy with what I say, then maybe you might have crossed the line somewhere, because as one of my favourite people in the world stated "It's incredibly hard to piss you off, Julie."

So, once again, don't take this as the gospel truth. The opinions manifested in this diary are not as close to real life as they appear.

And keep in mind that chances are, the more or the louder you bitch, the less likely I am to actually hear what you have to say. (You tend to win me over with honey, not vinegar, mkay?)

- Lotsa love,

friends only

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