Conversations with old friends...

Nov 04, 1983 12:53

I met Nico in high school. We met at a science fair, where he cheered me up after my partner went flaky on me (or hormonal, she was chasing after the boys...). Nico is... probably one of my favourite people ever. He's always been there cheering me on, putting faith in me when I got all down on myself. We fall in and out of touch, but every time we see each other, it's like no time has passed. Like today. I had to share this because I was really touched. And that doesn't happen often.

Nicolas says (12:22 PM): There really isn't much out there, when you boil it down to key aspects.
Nicolas says (12:22 PM): You have a career, you have fun (social life), you're successful, you're popular, you're a celebrity, none of it means a damn thing.
Nicolas says (12:23 PM): You live, you die.  This is all a gift, in my opinion and we should all bask in the glory of the sun and enjoy's not a competition.
Nicolas says (12:24 PM): (which is why I'm undertaking the arts more than anything...because that will transcend my life and time all together)
Nicolas says (12:24 PM): I hope you find unconditional happiness, Julie. 
Nicolas says (12:24 PM): The fast you do, the greater things will become.
Nicolas says (12:27 PM): Here, I'll write down a piece I wrote last week that i am dedicating to everybody I've ever known.
Nicolas says (12:27 PM): So, you'll have to bear with my typing for a few moments.
Nicolas says (12:27 PM):

The Memory

I have not forgotten - Although we don't talk.
I have not stopped thinking of you either.
You and you and you have all been wonderful.  Every one of you.
And you!  I remember you, too.  You thought I forgot, but I didn't.
You, no less than anybody else, have been a gem.

A  brilliant gem.  One with a glimmer so radiant that it uncovered areas of my soul that I knew not existed.
I wish I could look at all of you at all times and never look away for I want my being to be lit by all your light...

But I am only one with a single voice accompained by a solitary ear and most of all, you ar emany, and you span every inch of my life from birth to date...
and, hopefully, to and after my death.  I love you all and I cherish my memory because of your everlasting presence.

Julie says (12:32 PM): I love it  ♥
Nicolas says (12:32 PM): I'm glad, it was written for you, after all.
Nicolas says (12:34 PM): I intend to send it to everybody I've ever known...and whoever I don't have access to will hopefully get a hold of it through other people.
Julie says (12:34 PM): What about the people that were shitty to you? 
Nicolas says (12:34 PM): I one written for them, too.  It's my other writing under the title of the apology. 
Julie says (12:35 PM): Oh?
Julie says (12:35 PM): Can I see it?
Julie says (12:35 PM): *embarrassed face* 
Nicolas says (12:35 PM): I can take the time to write, if you like. haha
Nicolas says (12:35 PM): The apology
Nicolas says (12:36 PM):
Those I have offended.
Those I have yet to offend.
I offer to all these people a sincere apology.
An apology from the heart and from my wounded soul.

This apology is universal and is offered to every one, even those which I think little of.
Further more, I also accept any and all apologies that have gone my way which I did not initially accept or which was not accepted at all.
To those, I now forgive and forget.

Because today is the day of purity and innocence, I shall not be the one to remove these two exceptional characteristics from this day.

I am sorry.

Julie says (12:37 PM): I wish I could forgive like that...
Nicolas says (12:39 PM): I absolutely want everybody to see them.
Nicolas says (12:39 PM): It's a piece of me.  No need to explain with words since they were put into writing.
Nicolas says (12:39 PM): If somebody can't understand what I'm writing, it's not my fault.  It's really straight forward.  No misinterpretations anywhere.
Nicolas says (12:40 PM): So yes, by all means.  Go for it, it would honor me.

Here's to Nico.


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