Hi! Posting two photomanips for
cleo_2010 fantastic fic "Welcome to Silent Hill"
(Chapter One).
Fic for the Prompt: When Moriarty takes John in TGG, he doesn't take him to the pool, but to Silent Hill (or the equivalent). Sherlock has to deal with the creatures the town spawns from his subconscious, including manifestations of his feelings for John (and/or past Mycroft).
Go read it if you have not yet done so! It's great! ♥
Photomanips have been done with screencaps from Sherlock BBC show (credits to
enchantedfleur) and my beloved Photoshop 7 (credits for the brushes / textures are in my
resources post). I expect to make more!
Warnings for the pics: blood (quite a lot) / dark themed images (come on! It's Silent Hill! What did you expect? ;D )
Click the little pics to see the whole image!
Also, for your info! The background I used for the first image it's from
Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, a former American prison which is now a museum! I found it when looking for "haunted or spooky" buildings to use on the photomanips! Looks amazing, doesn't it!