Trip Update: Notes from the Plane

Aug 06, 2009 16:26

 But I will be back. In ways Iceland felt like home. Next time I'll go back in the winter, I think. Reyk would be incredibly beautiful.
- 08/06 10:56 PM
 Descending into Halifax now. It's just setting in that I won't see Iceland again now for at least a year or so. Makes me very sad, honestly.
- 08/06 10:55 PM
 Touchscreen on my inflight entertainment thingy doesn't work. Flight attendant reset, still doesn't. Losing marks, IcelandAir.
- 08/06 9:54 PM
 Note to self: never download part 1 of a 2 parter tv show. Just watched 2nd last ep of Kings, no way to get last! Gah!
- 08/06 9:18 PM
 Wow, much nicer plane this time around. 4:15 minute flight. Aisle seat, empty seat beside me. Crying baby in front, however.
- 08/06 6:48 PM
Posted via email from blackandred posterous
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