Waiting in the airport with tea. Really gonna miss this place. Wish there was a big sign that said "breath it in, last time outside."
- 08/06 4:36 PM
Love the look and ads of the brand 66 North. Wanna buy a coat, but more than a bit expensive.
- 08/06 4:02 PM
I'm hiking like a Viking.
- 08/04 5:04 PM
Taken close to 200 pictures today just from whale watching. Very glad I bought an extra SD card.
- 08/03 11:48 AM
Haha, definitely have full 3G signal out in the middle of the ocean. Love Iceland.
- 08/03 11:41 AM
I'M ON A BOAT! I'M ON A BOAT! Doing a whale watching tour, that is. Andy Samberg is sadly absent.
- 08/03 9:42 AM
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blackandred posterous