Drafts from Boston

Jul 26, 2009 17:36


Very impressed with Portland, Maine so far. Very friendly, easygoing people.
- 07/26 7:36 PM

Woo! Now in Maine. Looking for food and a motel now. Looks a lot like Ontario.
- 07/26 6:43 PM

Now in New Hampshire; contemplating the Live Free or Die motto. Derrick interprets it as a communist manifesto.
- 07/26 6:25 PM

Apparently there are no gas stations in the city of Boston. Just FYI.
- 07/26 5:24 PM

Dunkin Donuts needs to learn from Tim Hortons in terms of speed. So much slower and less streamlined.
- 07/26 3:28 PM

No Southern people honoured at the Civil War memorial at Harvard, but a Nazi officer is at another memorial. Weird.
- 07/26 1:21 PM

Apparently the housing application is longer than the entrance application at Harvard. Heh.
- 07/26 1:09 PM

I kind of feel like I should be taking notes during the Harvard Tour.
- 07/26 12:42 PM

Had lunch at Leo's Place. Good food and the guy is FAST.
- 07/26 12:24 PM

At Harvard having lunch before the tour. I feel smarter already!
- 07/26 11:58 AM

Derrick is arguing with an Englishman over geography. Good times.
- 07/26 2:11 AM

Grabbing some pizza at Domino's before calling it a night. Phew! Little tired.
- 07/26 1:23 AM

Boston night life is a lot of fun. Except I feel a little out of place since I really don't care about baseball.
- 07/26 12:20 AM

Having dinner at Vinny T's on Broylston in Boston. Nice so far, waiter is a little odd.
- 07/25 9:05 PM

So far, loving my first experience in a hostel. A little rustic, but the atmosphere is everything.
- 07/25 7:21 PM
Posted via email from blackandred posterous
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