Trip Update: Trawna to Baastin

Jul 24, 2009 22:00

So I'm writing this fom my phone in the car for now. Planning on emailing it to Posterous when I get wifi.

So far the trip is really great. I don't know everyone I'm with that well, but they're all really great, easygoing, fun people so far. The drive is easy. I'm sure it'll get more complex as we get closer to Boston, but it's just highway for a while. We probably won't get to Boston til close to midnight, I think. Hopefully earlier, but we'll see.

I've been taking a lot of random pictures. Probably more than I need to, and a lot of weird ones. I'd rather take too many than not enough. And a lot of the weird, random pictures are my favourites.

The area is really nice so far. A lot more picturesque than I would have thought. I tried to get some pictures, not sure how well they turned out though. I'll probably post some more when I have a data connection. I couldn't get on the wifi at the last rest stop, you had to pay, so I'm writing this offline. Hopefully the hostel has free wifi.

I'm feeling very hopeful. It's a nice area, and has a nice energy to it. I am having a great time so far, and really looking forward to the days ahead, especially since this will be the longest drive. Not that it's anything horrible. Just a little boring. But it gives me time to write a blog post. So that makes it okay. 
Posted via email from blackandred posterous
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