Dream -08-

Jul 12, 2010 15:47

Warnings: Not much but it takes place during Week 3?
Dream Effects: Pretty much all of what Neku feels through out this

Shibuya. A normally busy and full of life town was now not was it used to be. Looking around there were some people staring into space with a blank look.

However they are not the main focus just yet. After all, not too far away stood Beat, looking worse for wear and Neku.

"I'm an idiot, man," "I waited too long to realize what she meant to me. I'm nothin' but an IDIOT!"


For a moment there, it looked like Neku would show some sympathy and try to cheer him up.

"You're definitely an idiot. A huge idiot."

Such was not the case of course.

"Whatchu say?!", yelled Beat obviously not expecting that either.

"Why would you let your 'rents push you down like that? That's not the Beat I know. Don't go the distance for other people. Do it for yourself."

"Huh?" exclaimed Beat, looking more than a bit lost as to where this was going.

"Like you're doing right now. Just go as far as you can go. The "results" will come later. Right?"


"I'm sorry about Rhyme," Neku said in a understanding voice before looking back up with determination, "But what's done is done. Focus on the now. She wouldn't want you wasting energy on regret."


"Why do you think she stuck by you? She knew you could do anything you put your mind to."

From Neku's point of view it looked like this finally starting to sink in. That was good too. He didn't really know how much simpler he could make it.

"Anyway... I'm lucky," he paused for a second before continuing with a small appreciative smile, "How many idiots have the stones to screw over the Reapers and help the underdog?"

"Neku..." Beat mumbled, actually saying his real name for once.

"You're an idiot, so start acting like one. Don't you turn into a deep thinker on me," he stated and then as an afterthought added another thing to break the inevitable awkwardness, "...yo."


Beat just stood there, whether in understanding or some sort of shock he couldn't tell. However, that didn't last long as barely a second later Beat looked like he was ready to burst out laughing. And that's exactly what he did.

"Pfft... Bwa ha ha!!" he continued to laughed, a huge grin now on his face, "You said it, man! I ain't the sentimentious type!"

Neku merely smiled, glad to have the old Beat back. And it seemed Beat was happy to be back to normal as he put his fist in the air in a show of new found determination.

"Aaaaaaaaaaight! I feel much better, yo! Jus' wait! I'm gonna send everybody home! Rhyme an' Shiki...an' that Joshua kid...an' of course you, man.", Beat promised, full of energy as he should be.

"All right, then."

"Hooooooo! I am so fulla fight! Time to win this Game and change the world!"


[... Huh, it's been awhile since hes had a dream and how could he almost forget that one day during Week 3 when Beat gave new meaning to the word hysterical. Oh the memories.

He couldn't help but smile just a bit. Of course then he remember that oh right, Dreamberry and thus returned to his normal scowl-like face and turned it off. Now this will be a bit awkward...]

reaper's game, not much outta the norm, dream, beat's just being an idiot again, week 3, neku gives a speech in his own weird way

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