Dream | 02 |

Nov 07, 2009 15:43

(OOC: There are filters so that the faces and figures of Piface Minamimoto and Josh can't be seen. Here is a reference video if I made it confusing ^^;.)

A desolate alley. Bare streets that once had people constantly moving about on them. Yet, at the end was a mural with a grim reaper done in the same style right next to it. Neku can be seen just staring up at it in pure awe. Everything about it just seemed to shout out to him for some reason. Either way, CAT's work was always something to be admired.

Out of nowhere though, a figure rushed out from behind a nearby building. As if that wasn't shock enough for him, this guy had a gun in his hands. While his mind was screaming for him to run, his body didn't seem to listen at all not even registering what was going on. Neku stood there helplessly as the figure continued to run towards him. Just a couple of feet in front of him the guy suddenly stopped and a shot is heard echoing through out the alley.

As if released from whatever was keeping his body up, Neku fell back onto the ground, surprisingly not injured in the slightest. He was just staring in shock that this guy who just shot in his direction as if he saw a ghost.

"Ugh...I blew it.", came a rough, yet pained voice from behind.

"What?", said Neku, obviously startled as he looked back to see yet another strange person with a gun. They locked eyes for barely a second before the man took action raising his own gun seemingly aiming at him. Not knowing what else to do as his mind was already in a state of shock and panic, he held his arms up to his face as if that would help.

The next thing he knows is that the gun is fired. Not feeling anything happen he spares a second to slightly open his eyes at what was going on only to have his eyes widen further as the bullet stopped just before it reached the other boy. That obviously wasn't as planned as the man continued firing but all the other bullets simply met the same fate. Appearing unfazed at all, the boy just walked forward a little as the bullets fell harmlessly to the ground and he raised his own gun at the man.

The figure could do nothing else but reluctantly retreat to where ever he came from, leaving Neku to wonder just what the hell was going on. Nothing seemed to be making any sense at all. Yet his mind still seemed to be a blank slate as he stayed in place not caring as a click is heard from behind him. He didn't have enough time to think anymore as a shot is heard and the bullet pierced through his own body, this time making him fully collapse on the ground dying. The last thing he sees is something falling on his shirt and the grim reaper graffiti staring down at him as if judging him or possibly even pitying him.


[Neku wakes with a start and looks around as if trying to remind himself that he wasn't in Shibuya anymore and that he was still alive. Speaking of which, he suddenly remembered about the Dreamberry that recorded his dream. He just glared at it and turned it off]

dead, udagawa, reaper's game, cat mural, ...damnit, i can't forgive him...

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