Nov 11, 2003 00:43
Oh where to begin.....
I hate school. It needs to end now. I wish so much I knew THREE YEARS AGO what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Ah well.
My Gay firefighter told me the other day that when I make his drink it makes him happy or something like that. Then he brought in a girl the next day. So the guys a pimp. A gay married firefighting pimp. I suppose there are worst yet less confusing things in life.
But its ok, cause there is enough scandal to go around.
Speaking of scandal, my 21st is coming up on the 26th. Super fun!!! More details to come. I think I'm going out with the Warwick boys on the actual date, but a road trip to CT may be in order Thanksgiving weekend. I'll let you all know.
I miss my Chi Omegas.
My dad called. Apparently hes out of prison. and he wants to see me. awesome. especially if you know WHY he was in prison. lets not talk about it.
But tomorrow is a day off.....yay. The Chi O formal is creeping up too. This semesters date will be Dave, who is hands down one of the best formal dates ever. He's tied with Mattie from NY. Cause Matties my baby and everyone loves Mattie. (this is Mattie K, from NY. Not Mattie C from Boston). Me + Dave + 80's rock = an amusing time for all involved. Dave and Nicole Part 2: Whitey's Revenge. It will be a good time. = ) You have no idea how excited I am!!!!
Random does people feel about age boundaries? Like how old could a 21 year old go? or young even? hmmmmm debate debate.
I need to sleep so I'm productive tomorrow. talk to you all soon!