The bending.

Jul 19, 2006 12:25

Embryonic stem cells, murdered Lebanese children, and the twisted christian concept of the Sanctity of Life.

I would love to show christians what murder really is. And I'd love to dish out their Sanctity to them first hand.

The world is bending horribly. I wish it would just fucking break.

For those few who remember the two XBRAINIAX shows she came to, my friend Nada (pronounced "netta") is in Lebanon right now visiting family. I just talked to her yesterday, and she's alright. Her immediate area is not being targeted for bombing by the Israelis. But, they're not getting much in the way of news out there, so they didn't know that Israel has no plans in the near future to pull out of Lebanon. I told her I think she should get out with her family. Now.

This whole thing is sickening me to an extent I can't articulate. I've been pissed about political situations before, but this is really getting to me. I can't describe it. Not alone because of this massacre perpetrated by Israel, but because of the US's staunch support of it, especially the president's, who I heard on the radio say "Sometimes tragedy has to happen to bring issues to the forefront", while at the same time vowing to veto embryonic stem cell research, as Tony Snow has said, "Because the president does not believe in murder."

Murder? Let's see. 250 Lebanese dead. Mostly civilians. Women. Children. Versus 400,000 frozen embryos slated for destruction anyway if they are not adopted or used for research. This is the mental compartmentalization of religious values. This is the twisted ugliness of religion at it's worst, doing the worst kinds of evil humans can come up with.

Let's imagine these 400,000 embryos. As the republicans have constantly used to bolster their argument, let's imagine them all as so-called "snowflake" babies, which are children who developed from these embryos after being adopted foster families. Great. Fucking awesome.

So: the main reason NOT to use these embryos for stem cell research is that they can be adopted and turned into beautiful children. Sacrificing them for research is "murdering a life before it even begins" to quote hard-right conservative rhetoric. Except, of hundreds of thousands of these embryos stockpiled in the last 5 years or so, only 10 have been adopted and developed.

But imagine the beauty we'd have if all 400,000 were brought into this world. Except...who is going to adopt them? It's not like there aren't already a shit load of children in need of foster homes. It's not like there aren't already a shit load of abandoned children who are up for adoption.
So who is going to care for them? Who is going to feed them? Clothe them? Raise them? More importantly, because we're talking about republicans here...

Who is going to educate them? Who is going to provide health care for them? Where are they going to work if they even survive into adulthood? What are we going to do with them? Make a big fuss about saving their precious lives and then send them off to die in a pointless conflict when they are barely old enough to vote?

It seems to me that something is wrong here. Sanctity of life, but not quality. Or rather, everyone should have the opportunity to be born, but once you are, it's your responsibility to survive in the America, or even the world that these people envision. It's your responsibility not to starve and not to go to jail for stealing to eat, not to die of a disease because you can't afford healthcare. It's your responsibility not to be abused by your parents, your responsibility not to be raped, or killed by bombs falling on your house in an airstrike by a country which your pre-birth benefactors fully support. It's your responsibility to be able to cough up the money for private education because your pre-birth benefactors don't want to pay public school teachers a decent salary or fund public education anything more than the table scraps leftover from spending on their war-machine and liberty-destroying security programs. It's your responsibility not to get laid off, not to end up on welfare, or if you do, to get off it in four years, no questions asked. In fact, it's also your responsibility to make sure your parents can get off welfare in 4 years, because it seems like no one else is going to help them. It's your responsibility to find another job in a calcified job market. It's your responsibility not to get cancer from the toxic chemicals used in the factory you work or live next to, because your pre-birth benefactors wanted looser restrictions on workplace safety so that business and industry could operate more freely. It's your responsibility, in fact, not to get injured at work at all, because your pre-birth benefactors don't really think it should be your employer's responsibility to provide you with any kind of health care, much less disability. It's your responsibility not to die in a natural disaster that your pre-birth benefactors refused to properly prepare for. It's your responsibility not to become ill from intense air pollution, benzene spills in the water, mercury poisoning in the fish that you eat, mad cow disease in the cattle you consume, cancer from the waste that's illegally disposed of in your backyard because your pre-birth benefactors felt laws that hold industry accountable for these things are a block to free trade and profits. It's your responsibility not to die from poisoning by mine tailings, rattle snake bites in over-developed desert communities, or by disease-carrying vermin in the slums you're forced to live in because your pre-birth benefactors support landowners and not renters or leasers. It's your responsibility not to be born black or hispanic or any other ethnicity or color that's not fully bowed down or ingratiated itself with your pre-birth benefactors. It's your responsibility not to be born gay or lesbian, because your pre-birth benefactors find your lifestyle repugnant and want to legislate you into second or even 3rd class citizens (maybe your pre-birth benefactors wouldn't mind if your embryo had been destroyed in this case, but they refuse to believe that you could be born gay). It's your responsibility not to enter the army controlled by your pre-birth benefactors, because they may just send you to die in a war they didn't properly plan. It's your responsibility not to die in a terrorist attack that your pre-birth benefactors not only incited with their imperialistic foreign and trade policies, but couldn't even protect you from. And on that note, you better not be arrested on suspicion of terrorism because you are the wrong religion, political association, or ethnicity, because your pre-birth benefactors are in favor of detaining you indefinitely and even torturing you to get you to admit to a crime you did not commit. And best not to be a civilian in a country where terrorists are based, because your pre-birth benefactors' war on terror will most likely be a war on you instead. It's your responsibility not to be born the children of illegal immigrants because your parents are deemed lawbreakers by your pre-birth benefactors and may be deported. Leaving you to be adopted by...who? Too bad the only people who could have adopted you are creating tons of infertile embryos at a clinic that your pre-birth benefactors won't even allow to be used to do research that could save someone else's life. In fact, of all the miserable ironies of your entire miserable existence, it's your responsibility not to get a disease that could have been cured by cell cultures from stem cell lines because your pre-birth benefactors banned the fucking research.

Well, it's a hard life I guess. Better pray to Jesus for salvation and a quick death.
Or better yet, curse his name because you were born at all.
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