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Nov 06, 2004 14:42

Where is the Love?-Black Eyed Peas

What Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

umm yea i hate this..this totally sux urr my mom is soooo stupid sumtimes uyrrgghh o yea nd ihate skool skool sux!!!...but there is one good thing!! haha....lol...yea well ok yesturday i went to skool nd i was already havin a shitty ass day i dnt wanna even talk tbou it then i get otmath nd i was like finally skools almost over hten i was gunna go to the ftball game iwt shana!! but noooo my effin amth techer had to call my mom nd tell her i was bein disruptive....omg i wasnt even talkin i drew a freaken line down my face cuz of tony urgghhh then everyone laughed nd he thot it was my fault hes so stupid!! lol well ne way that was effin crap then i go to bball nd peeps were annoyin as ever!! i was gunna punch sum1 but yea then i went home nd i had to go to the pizza place...then i came home nd babysat alex for like 2 hours then i came hoem nd stacey my friedn nd nicole came to my house nd they were like hey nd i was like umm hey n d then we went to the bball courts nd like 20 peeps were there nd stupid stacey not my friend but another grl was there nd was bein rilly annoyin so sumtin happened there i dnt wanna explain it nd yea...then i came home nd talked to kory!!!! that made my day a lil better then i talked to my pimp!! nd she totally made my day much better well nto rilly but watever nd then i downloaded a ring tone nd then went to bed nd then woke up this mornin nd now i think im gunna go shoppin cuz theres nutti nelse i can do...wat agreat punishment haha!! lol well alter dudes!!
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