01. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Townsley
02. Last words you said: i haven't really talked this morning, but I've been cracking up listening to Howard Stern..
03. Last song you sang: "Online Songs", Blink-182
04. Last person you hugged: my mom
05. Last thing you laughed at: Howard Stern
06. Last time you said i love you: yesterday
07. Last time you cried: Not sure
08. What's in your CD player: a mix cd i made with Blink and Screeching Weasel
09. What color socks are you wearing: i'm barefoot
10. What's under your bed?: nothing, because all i have is a mattress and boxspring
11. What time did you wake up today: 5:00 but i went back to sleep
12. Current taste: phlegm...haha
13. Current hair: brown
14. Current clothes: shirt from san diego and my scooby doo pajama pants
15. Current annoyance: certain people
16. Current longing: work
17. Current desktop picture: some island thing my mom put on there
18. Current worry: when i will be in a band and touring
19. Current hate: stuff
20. Story behind your LJ username: if you see kay...if you don't get it, you're stupid. it was supposed to be the name of one of blink's albums but it was never used...
21. Current favourite article of clothing: zip up dickies hoodie
22. Favourite physical feature of humans you're attracted to: eyes usually
23. Last CD that you bought: i don't even remember...probably the new alkaline trio
24. Favorite place to be: anywhere playing guitar
25. Least favorite place: camp
26. Time you wake up in the morning: wake up in the morning? me?
27. If you could play an instrument, what would it be: piano
28. Favourite color: orange
29. Do you believe in an afterlife? somewhat
31. Current favourite word/saying: that's rad
32. Favourite book: probably calvin and hobbes books
33. Favourite season: summer
34. Favourite scent: that cucumber melon shit on girls :D
35. Favourite day: saturday
36. Where do you want to go: ireland
37. What is your career going to be like: think about it: rocking out in front of thousands nightly. i think it's going to suck. don't you? :D
38. How many kids do you want to have: 2
39. What kind of car do you have: 1991 toyota camry
40. What color is it?: silver
41. A random lyric: "will there be someone to give her heart to me, or will i be too blind to see it?"--cacaphony by blink-182
42. Identify some things surrounding your computer: a filing cabinet and family pictures...it got moved into the family room...