Aug 05, 2004 10:54
And then go to and read it all the time. it's addicting.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
so, this kid Ims me who likes my band with a "vote bush" im icon. i want to establish that anyone who supports or votes for george bush is not allowed to like my band.if you come to my shows i i will engage you in argument and you will end up feeling like an idiot. i didnt write the music for you or any of your murdering friends to march in a line to. i've never gotten into a fight in my life and every time i get close i feel like i could snap and kill the person. THATS WHY YOU SHOULD MAKE IT A RULE TO NEVER EVER CONDONE VIOLENCE. listen kid (i love you too so dont you even think of killing yourself) i know you think you're helping and yes WE KNOW that it comes from a good place. it is actually BEAUTIFUL that you want EVERYONE TO HAVE FREEDOM. HOWEVER you were probably hurt or were spoiled badly or underwent some tragedy or had your heart broken OR think you'll never be in love because your'e "too fat" or "too pimply" or "too patriotic". actually, you idiot, we ARE ALL THAT LONELY. you're NOT THE ONLY ONE. IRAQIS TOO YOU FUCKING IDIOT. THEY ARE PEOPLE TOO. i understand where your'e coming from because liberals can be annoying whiny pieces of shit and the world seems to be falling apart but i think killing babies and nuclear holocaust is not the way to promote positive change. this hitler youth brought up the hypothetical that if a guy with a bomb strapped to his chest was running into a preschool would i shoot him to save the kids. the WHOLE POINT IS IF IT WEREN'T FOR GEORGE BUSH THE DUDE WOULDN'T BE RUNNING INTO THE PRESCHOOL. the answer to this kid's question is that i would probably be too pussy to shoot him and then we'd be down a few preschoolers to be honest. VIOLENCE IS A CYCLE THAT ENDS WITH THE EARTH ENDING. PERIOD. If you are going to vote for bush or plan on voting for him or someone like him when you're old enough, IM me please so i can talk to you about it. Also i DONT HATE BUSH. He seems like a sweet retard. He was spoiled and means well. (keep in mind this dude was cokehead failure at yale and now could press a button that ends you and our lives) I dont BLINDLY HATE ANYONE. However, if it was up to me tht dude would be pantsed in public and revealed for the nazi he is. he is like hitler but not as charismatic and weirder looking. how could anyone be convinced that this dude knows what he is doing. it is a joke. in fact be wary of anyone who thinks they know everything. like me.
Please instant message this kid and make him\her (idont even know or care) explain why killing babies in front of their mothers is a good thing and "collateral damage" this poor kid also thinks that his\her opinion doesn't matter.YOUR OPINION MATTERS. THATS THE POINT OF THE DEMOCRACY THAT YOU WANT TO KILL BABIES TO PROTECT. SO FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU FOREVER. CHECK THIS SCARY SCARY SHIT OUT AND REMEMBER THE SIX MILLION PEOPLE HITLER KILLED IN THE NAME OF HIS COUNTRY AND DEMOCRACY:
KamikazeGoldFish (12:36:05 PM): just cause someone has different opinions then you doesnt mean you havta be an asshole, im 14 you idiot, YOU THINK MY FUCKIN OPINION FUCKING MATTERS
KamikazeGoldFish (12:36:09 PM): VOTE BUSH
SayAnything16 (12:36:12 PM): bye
SayAnything16 (12:36:22 PM): i'm going to put your screename on my site
KamikazeGoldFish (12:36:31 PM): for what
SayAnything16 (12:36:42 PM): so kids can instant message you
KamikazeGoldFish (12:37:03 PM): ok thats cool with me, ill come back just as hard with the same argument
SayAnything16 (12:37:15 PM): god you are a sick fuck you're gonna die lonely (SIDENOTE: That was me being an idiot. This kid might die today and it could be my fault. PLEASE DONT DIE. IF YOU ARE EVEN THINKING ABOUT DOING THAT THEN EMAIL ME AT SAYANYTHING16@AOL.COM AND GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER AND I WILL CALL YOU AND TALK YOU OUT OF IT.)
SayAnything16 (12:37:38 PM): that would be horrible
KamikazeGoldFish (12:38:14 PM): you dont even deserve liberty or freedom if you say it would be horrible to die for our country
(sidenote: i am extremely scared of death because life is precious and amazing i am also scared this kid is going to kill himself because he said i will be "gone by saturday". DUDE. GET A GRIP. GO LOOK AT A TREE OR KISS SOMEONE OR SOMETHING LIFE IS FUN DONT END IT. LISTEN TO MUSIC, MAYBE. )
Speaking of which what is with "fat kids" or "dorks" who like my band thinking that i wasn't a skinny ugly dork kid with buckteeth at one point and that i dont know what its like to be alienated by people. EVERYONE WAS AWKWARD AT ONE POINT. LET IT GO AND TRY AND FIND A LOVE FOR YOURSELF THERE IS SOMEBODY FOR EVERYONE FOR GODSAKE THERES LIKE BILLINONS OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET. Get a PUPPY OR SOMETHING. One thing i can guarentee you is that I WAS EQUALLY AWKWARD AS YOU. PEOPLE IN BANDS ARE THE BIGGEST DORKS EVER. all i do is sit online all day. do you think i get laid or have a social life? FUCK NO. I CAN STILL BARELY TALK TO GIRLS. SOMEONE WHO MATTERS WILL LOVE YOU FOR YOUR INNER JOY AND BEAUTY. ITS NOT A CLICHE. And stop resenting the more "attractive" or "skinny" or "less zitty" people around you, they may be mean which is HORRIBLE, but one thing we can say for them is that they figured out early on its INNER CONFIDENCE IN YOUR SOUL AND YOUR WORDS that makes you attractive and KNOWING YOU MATTER (unlike that poor kid who might actually try and kill his\herself DONT DO IT DUDE YOUR GIRLFRIEND LOVES YOU AND I LOVE YOU) EVERY PERSON MATTERS. espcially this kamikaze kid. PEACE. bemis OUT
posted by Say Anything at 12:38 PM