Apr 08, 2010 01:40
The ability to carefully regulate one's emotions in situations of stress, social or otherwise, may create another pathway that makes one more vulnerable to powerfully charged feelings in situations not of that nature.
That is, achieving fine-tuned control of one's feelings - being able to shut down behaviors associated with sadness or anger, in particular, such as crying, heavy breathing, fast movement, swearing, etc, etc, and being able to "not feel" the emotion in question in a situation in which expression of that emotion would be inappropriate or somehow threatening, creates a need to compensate for that ability.
So, when not in a situation that expression of a feeling might not be necessarily stressful, inappropriate, or somehow threatening, when presented with a stimulus that triggers a charged feeling, the individual will react more strongly to the stimulus than they might otherwise.
Or, that is what I would like to propose. Thesis idea, maybe.