I ventured to Family on Saturday night to check out Trentemoller. I had only heard a limited amount of his remixes and productions, but going from those, I knew I would be glad I went.
Musically, the night was great. Damien warmed up for Trentemoller which was fantastic. Its about time he got behind those decks. I hope they give him a monthly spot, he deserves it and Brisbane needs more commercial venues to play techno.
I wasn't in the best frame of mind for some reason. Maybe from frustration that my drugs didn't work, I could't get drunk and everyone else I knew was too out of it to communicate with me. Bah! On packed nights like those, you need drugs just to put up with the dickheads that frequent that club. Plus, Tim wasn't there. Not that he comes out with me much. He seems to save himself for the biggest of the big nights, but I really missed him on Saturday night. I arrived home around 3.30 and partied until 7 and then crawled into bed with him, feeling pretty crappy. Why is it that even when your drugs don't work, you still get the friggin come down? Boo!
Heres some photos I took on the night: