Nov 02, 2009 22:19
So like, does everyone know that word that means like, you were expecting something dramatic and incredible to happen, but like, something stupid and dumb does, instead? And I don't mean 'sucky' or 'totally awful'; it has to do with like, the climate or something. Yeah. So that was this Halloween. I like, even took the trouble to dress up in my nurse outfit and buy candy and everything. Totally lame. But I did hear that there were like, some wild dogs roaming around? I'm so glad none came to the house.
Anyway, Kanji, be like, a good kid and help your mom clean up the house, OK? See if you can get your drone sister to actually help out around the house, too. Your dad and I have got to like, get to work in the morning. I like, haven't met any of my coworkers yet, but like, I went around and found out the ones who weren't like, stupid drones. So like, Mokou, Fran, Aerith, Retsu, and Eirin? It's like, super nice to meet you! I like, hope we get along really well 'cause like, happy workers make for happy work ~
[filtered to Chrona]
So I like, totally meant it when I said I was taking you shopping. Your wardrobe is in need of some serious work. Tomorrow good for you?
[filtered to Matt Engarde]
[Mimi hesitates for a few moments. When she opens her mouth, her speech is noticeably less affected than it usually is.]
Thank you. Sunday night was like, incredible.