The Secret

Sep 01, 2011 15:31

Title: The Secret
Pairing: YunJae , Side: YooSu
Genre: romace,angst
Length: 3/?
Rating: PG 15
Note: Second YunJae from me, I think the summary is not good I am sorry but those what inside my mind when thinking about the summary, I kind of like it XP . confusing summary? Read the whole story to catch the meaning then XD

Summary: Yunho know that Jaejoong have some secret from him, but he never asked the other , because he know when the right time come he’ll tell him. Jaejoong having himself in such dark and deep dilemma, Will he come back to his true self, pure and honest or kept going with his plan and living in a lie until finally he can get his revenge?
Start from the simple meeting, become friend with some electricity feeling and loving stare. Will the innocent meeting crush both of them?... or actually there’s no innocent accident from the start between them?

Chapter 3

In the sunny day, with the peacefulness not every one could enjoy it. There were many people that have so much work that even couldn’t take a lunch including Jung Yunho the vice president of Jung Corporation.

The handsome guy with small face and black hair was facing the endless paper he should read and signing. After signing the last paper he looked at the pile of paper he still needs to check, sighing he leaning at his chair while rubbing his temple.

Suddenly his phone vibrated, he looked at the caller id and smiling

“Yah, Yunho! Where are you?”

“In my office of course, why?” said yunho made the other line Tsk-ing

“Still so workaholic huh? Take a rest can’t you? Hemm, how about we go to mirotic club tonight?”

“I don’t know…I am so busy now” said yunho as he turning his chair around facing the view of seoul

“Oh come on.. don’t be really old for your age yunho”

“Okay okay, anything that can make you stops teasing me”

“Great! Meet me in my Café at 8 okay!”

“Yeah, bye” yunho hung up his phone, he shook his head and smiling turning around again he continue his work.


“What do you think about your first day here hyung?” asked junsu while buttoning his shirt

“Nice, all the others workers are really nice especially your yoochun” said jaejoong

“Hyung how many times i tell you that he is not mine?” said the blushing junsu

Suddenly jaejoong looked at junsu with serious face the playful eyes become fierce
“Su, you don’t like to tell a lie right?” the sudden changed mood of his hyung made junsu getting startled
“Emm yes, why?”

“Because one day and it’s very soon you’ll know that you have tell a lie right now”


“Yoochun is completely yours you know; can’t you see he undressed you every time he landed his eyes on you?”

Blushing madly junsu hit Jae’s shoulder “Hyung~” whined junsu

“I am serious! And I know that you like to dreaming about him too right?” smiled Jae

“Hyung! Stop it!” said junsu already with his dolphin’s tone

“Okay okay~” said jaejoong, he really liked to teased his dongsaeng; he really loved him as his own brother. He is the only person that could make him laughing after his sister’s death.

“Are you finished? Let’s go home” said jaejoong took his backpack

“Yeah” said junsu as he following his hyung out the staff room.

“You two want to leave now?” asked yoochun as he saw the two.

“Yes, yoochun-sshi what about you?” asked junsu curiously because usually yoochun leaves just about junsu’s time leave, but now he saw yoochun sitting comfortably on the chair holding his phones and really don’t look like some one that want to leave soon.

“Hemm I am waiting for my friend to arrive, it’s been a long time I spent my time with him cause he is really a busy kind guy” said yoochun.

“Oh, really? Okay then, we leaves now yoochun-sshi” said junsu sweetly

“Yeah, be careful on your way okay” said yoochun softly at junsu.
“You too” smiled junsu. They stared at each other’s eyes completely forgetting there’s someone else with them.
“Good bye yoochun-sshi”
“Good bye”.

Then the two walked out the café, jaejoong looking at the happy look on junsu’s face
“You’re really happy hum?” said jaejoong smiling at junsu
“Nothing, let’s go” said jaejoong.

Just when they started walking, a car stop right in front of the café, a tall man with pointed nose walked out, he entered the café just to meet his best friend looking at the wall dreamily.

“Hey, yoochun!” said yunho flicking his fingers in front of yoochun’s face make yoochun wake up from his happy land.

“Oh you here already?” asked yoochun “Yeah, what happened Chun? You looked really….happy”

“Something good just happened” said the smiling yoochun
Yunho lift his burrows “Something that related with this junsu guy?” asked yunho, yes he know that yoochun is madly in love with the waiter at his café which his name was junsu.

“So? Are we going or not?” asked yunho as yoochun kept grinned widely

“Of course! I’ll treat you because I am in a good mood tonight”
“Keep your words” said yunho as the two walked out the café, he waited yoochun to lock the door and then the two handsome guys get into yunho’s car.



it seem i just have 4 readers. *sigh* because more than 40 others are just passing by right? haha

emm short update again, please enjoy. Atleast now yunho appear right? kekeke

yoochun, yunho, junsu, jaejoong, fanfic: the secret, chaptered, yoosu, yunjae, tvxq

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