(no subject)

Mar 09, 2005 21:26

Stole this from my lysser

[x]they call me: sammy
[x] sex: female
[x] birthday: november 19th
[x] occupation: mmm not at the moment except for babysittin

fast forward
[x] college planning to go to: no idea
[x] future resident of: somewhere not here
[x] wedding: hopefully a beach
[x] children: 2 or 4?

right now
[x] feeling: TIRED, sad, depressed, dirty(lol dont ask) and lots more
[x] listening: to the tv (law and order)
[x] doing: this survey and watchin law and order
[x] talking to: no body :(
[x] craving: food...my loser boyfriend lol
[x] thinking of: how i screw up everything...
[x] hating: myself for alot at the moment

[x] love is: very delicate and hard to forget
[x] first love: its hard to say...
[x] love or lust?: love
[x] true or false: tralse? (hehe get it true and false lol ya im a loser)
[x] turn-ons: blue eyes...amazing smile...dimples...lol looots more
[x] what kinda hair style?: w/e just not like really nasty long
[x] turn offs: people who smoke....wait just kiddin im datin a complete pot head!
[x] are you the type of person to ask for numbers?: umm probably not?

[x] can you swim?: yeuuppers
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: lol umm dunno
[x] what are you scared of?: death..being alone..
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: uhhh...
[x] what kinda roof is over your head?: the roof on top of my house?
[x] do you like tomatoes?: yuckers
[x] how many TVs in the house?: five
[x] how many phones in the house?: three
[x] how many residents?: three

your looks
[x] hair color: darkish brown (altho there is still a red tint to it)
[x] eye color?: blue
[x] height: 5'6?
[x] do you wear contacts or glasses?: nopers
[x] do you have any piercings?: ears and belly button
[x] how are you today?: tired...and i wont get into the rest
[x] what pants are you wearing right now?: my paul frank pj pants
[x] what does your hair look like at the moment?: its down in that little half pony thingy ya kno?
[x] last person you talked to on the phone? uhh alex i believe
[x] last dream you can remember?: lol i have to many retarted dreams
[x] what time is it?: 9:11

more about you
[x] what are the last four digits of your phone number?: 9355 .. 7996
[x] if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: a really pretty blue
[x] what's the next cd you are going to buy?: pshh no clue
[x] what is the stupidest thing you've ever done?: haha are you kidding me?
[x] if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: honestly i wanna lose weight .. i kno ok dont yell at me
[x] where do you shop the most?: target..american eagle
[x] do you have your own phone line?: cell phone count?
[x] do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: no but i do sleep with my blankie :)
[x] have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: yeppers
[x] who do you tell your dreams to?: anyone that was in them or i kno would laugh at 'em

your favorites
[x] color: blue!
[x] food: grilled cheese....pb and j
[x] sport: hockey..basketball
[x] number: 33 19
[x] board game: sorry!!!
[x] saying: suck my dick? orrr cut it out?

have you ever
[x] wanted to kill someone?: haha id have to say so yes
[x] broke the law?: no never not me im a good girl
[x] ran from the cops?: lol not yet...jk no
[x] tried to kill yourself?: no
[x] made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: who hasnt?

[x] first kiss: bleh danny
[x] first job: i guess just babysittin
[x] first enemy: lol dunno


1) I am a(n)...hyper active person
2) My ex-boy/girlfriend was........
3) I'm just...confizzled
4) Maybe I should...stop analyzing everything
5) I love...alex, well i think?
6) Joe is...a fun name..but not as fun as carl :)
7) I'm looking for...a real guy..the answers to life
8) I don't understand...life in itself
9) I lost my...everything
10) My boy/girlfriend is...the biggest dork! lol jk amazing!
11) In darkness, I...think about lots
12) Why do I...analyze everything to death?
13) Is there such a thing as......a promise?
14) Do......things happen for a purpose?
15) People say I'm...funny?
16) Love is...confusing as hell
17) You make me wanna...laugh
18) Somewhere, someone is...worse off then me
19) Is it true that....
20) I will always...my friends and family
21) Forever is...a very long time
22) I never want to...grow up, i wanna be a little kid forever!

* welll my mother is a crack whore ... my brother just said he is naming his first daughter 'cookie'... and i was supposadly a complete retard when i was little? haha what the hell is this? *

~ mwahz ~
Sammy K
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