May 24, 2007 17:44

I went today to see Les Chansons D'amour today. You should all see it! Why?

Because I was watching it, and one character, an adorable 20-something male, seemed to have the hots for one of the other characters, a hot, older male. And I thought, Please, please let me be interpreting this correctly. Please let there be hot boy-snogging (okay man-snogging) in this movie. I wasn't entirely sure because it was a musical, and it is a little harder to understand sung French than spoken French.

But I was right, and there was man-snogging and man-sex! And they were the cutest couple ever!!!! *sqeeees*
And if you need more motivation, it was a brunet and a blond. Okay, a sandy-blond, but still. And the acting was good, the singing was beautiful and fit the story, and the style of editing and filming was interesting.

It's a french film, so I'm not sure if and when it will be released in other countries. I just wanted you all to know that if you have a chance to see it, grab it! I am buying it on DVD as soon as it comes to the US. It was directed by Chrisophe Honore, and the cute blond is named Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet .

Other random rec: I recently discovered Lily Allen, a British singer. Her album is called "Alright, Still." She sings well and her lyrics are hilarious. A sample: 
I never wanted it to end up this way. 
You've only got yourself to blame. 
I'm gonna tell the world you're rubbish in bed now, 
And that you're small in the game.

*falls over laughing*

rl, movie rec, music rec

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