(no subject)

Apr 12, 2008 00:17

I'm 22 years old, and I've never had a driver's license. I realize that makes me a loser, and perhaps even some sort of loser sovereign (yes, I stole that), but you know...whatever.

I could blame my non-vehicular on a number of things--familial disinterest before I turned 18, for example; or the difficulty of getting one of my friends to lend me their cars and lives to teach me. Or I could say that I don't want to drive because gas and insurance are freakin' expensive (I figure I've saved quite a few grand over the past six years not driving. All blown on hookers and blow, a combination I think should be renamed the "Sandstorm". Picture it, doing blow off a hooker's ass, and then she farts...and there's a little cloud.). Most conceited of all, I could say I'm too good to drive because I'm saving the world by emitting fewer harmful gasses (everyone knows I love beer, beans, and cheese too much for that to be true).

The truth is that I'm fucking scared of driving. It's absolutely gut-wrenchingly terrifying for me. All the other cars, a million details to pay attention to, the knowledge of body it takes to know how much pressure on the gas creates how much speed--it's sensory overload, and I find it incredibly uncomfortable.

I described this to my mother once, and she mentioned that none of the males on her father's side of the family drive, for similar reasons. So maybe I have some sort of congenital nervousness.

I recognize that one day I'll have to learn, but the older I get without learning, the more distant it seems. And I've managed to get this far without having a car. Living in a place with a decent bus system is great. But it's one of those things that adults--especially adult males--have to know how to do. I have this image of what a loser looks like in my head, and one of the definite attributes is "Doesn't know how to drive".

Anywho, TLDR. Advice, stories, comments?
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