Writer's Block: B.Y.O.B. Holidays

Dec 16, 2011 17:04

I would solve all acceptance issues, such as race, religion, sexuality etc. It's sad that even though we're so evolved as humans, we have yet to learn how to accept each other. I honestly think this is the reason we have so many problems nowadays, especially in a Political sense. Why are we taught History in school if not to learn from past mistakes?

Yes, it's wonderful that we're all so diverse and have many different cultures, but that doesn't make any of us inferior to anyone else, nor superior. Yes, it's great that so many people are passionate about their religion, but that doesn't mean other religions are wrong. And yes, sometimes people fall in love with someone of the same gender - so what!

All of these things are personal i.e. not to be forced onto anyone else. People need to be allowed to choose for themselves and feel that they won't be shunned for their choices. If we all learned to accept each other as we are, we could focus our attention to other problems in the world, such as poverty.

We're all humans, and I think we need to be reminded of that.

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