Sep 17, 2013 20:16
I just had an interesting conversation with a gal I'm currently seeing...
Her: Maybe I'll open a singles mixer business for awkward science types.
Me: They are done from time to time. I never thought to attend one, however.
Her: HA! You don't have to! Women flock to you!
Me: Wha?
Her: You heard me you stud. ;-) :-P
Me: Dunno if I really believe that.
Her: I don't know if you can control it. I might have to hide you in my closet or carry a stick to fend them all off.
Me: Interesting. I suppose I have no way to know the detailed experience of the typical male... so it is hard to know for me.
Her: It's not quantifiable so don't even try.
I've never thought of myself as having women flocking to me... or even really paying me much attention, actually. Yet, this is the perception a gal I'm dating has of me. I know that I have become much more 'confident' in my interactions with people, but nobody had made a point of commenting to me about it.
This has gotten me thinking about how different people can perceive the same event wildly different depending on where they're coming from.
I think the main interpretations are that this gal thinks that I'm a really wonderful catch and that she has some anxiety regarding me wandering off. I'm ok with both of those interpretations.