Left the Council and walked back to Ethan's flat... it's a brisk walk but doesn't take me above ten minutes or so. I was thinking on the way over there that maybe I ought to use the room the Council is giving me as a more permanent place to put my things. Right now, I have bits and pieces scattered all over town in various places owned by people and demons I know. I've shifted fairly often since the last Council went rather spectacularly to hell -- and I survived, when a lot of others didn't.
I like Ethan, a lot (probably more than I'd be willing to admit to him, or anyone else, for that matter), and I like staying with him, but I can't ever depend on anyone too much, and I'd be a fool twice over to depend on him. Who knows how long this is going to last? The short time I've spent with him is apparently long, for him, already. Not exactly known for committing himself to anything or anyone, is our Mr Rayne.
He had given me my own key (a singular mark of favour, I discovered, later), and I entered calling 'Noswaith dda, Ethan.' The place was immaculate (it was always immaculate -- which I found a bit odd, at first, considering).
He met me in the foyer, kissed me, and started undressing me there, before even bothering to greet me. Ethan is like that... heady and overwhelming. He takes you up, sweeps you along, and you don't know where you're going, or even care.
Before we could get too... involved... in anything else, I told him I'd taken the job, and he seemed delighted by the news... until I told him I was just there to change and get something to eat, and that I was going back out again, with Ariel. It was the first time I'd ever seen Ethan genuinely angry, and it took me aback for a moment because he seemed to change from the charming man I'd known, to cold fury, in an instant.
For a moment, I got the impression he wanted to hit me, and I just looked at him and said, calmly, 'Touch me and I'll take you down.' I was glad he backed off -- I would have had to do it, since I'd said it -- I was glad I didn't have to do. I don't make a threat unless I feel pressed, and I never make one I can't, or won't carry through on.
Ethan stalked away from me, picked up the closest thing he could find (it looked like a piece of Sevres porcelin) and hurled it against the wall, where it shattered with what was, apparently, a satisfying crash. He seemed to calm down a bit after venting that way, but he was still angry, petulent, but strangest of all, acting as if what I'd done was some sort of betrayal, when I never would have seriously considered going back to work in the straightjacket that is the Council of Watchers in the first place, if he hadn't pressed me.
I was thoroughly confused. I didn't understand at all, and I said so. I couldn't make sense of Ethan's answers, either, so I just went to change. If Godolphin thought I was inappropriately dressed earlier, he was going to love this.
I exchanged the (I thought rather modest) silk shirt I'd worn earlier for an oversized one that was more generously cut, and it's rather archaic look was of a sort appreciated by certain of the vampires and their hangers-on in the area where I'd be taking Ariel tonight. Next came the back scabbard, and the sabre I wore in it. It always took me a while to get used to wearing it again, so I'd wear it as I continued to dress so it would become second nature again. Over the narrow leather belt that helped secure the scabbard, I wore one of doubled, weighted chain -- again, it was part of a look I was trying for, but I could also use it defensively against a weapon-wielding opponent if I took it off.
Considering the time of year, I wasn't exactly brown to begin with, but I used a little rice powder to even out my complexion and increase the pallor slightly, any way. I wasn't going for an extremely radical look, but I did use a pencil to line my eyes. (Not a black one -- that would have been tacky -- just a burnt umber a few shades darker than my hair.)
I'd only worn one earring to the Council, before, but I can wear three, so I moved the one I had one from front to back, and added two more, each slightly larger than the last. I put a stud, rather than another ring, on the right side of my nose, just for the sake of variety. Of all the piercings I have (seven altogether, so far, though the other three are... less obvious), that was the only one I ever questioned, 'Why on earth did I do that?' I suppose it just seemed like a good idea, at the time.
On the walk back to the Council, a little later, I questioned why I hadn't just taken my things, left the key, and walked out the door. The only explanation I could offer myself was that Ethan really is like no one I've ever met. He can keep up with me, for one thing, whether it's in a conversation or in bed. It's not difficult at all for me to find someone to fuck, it's a little more trouble to find someone I can talk to on my own level, but if I try to find both, it's not easy. All right, so it's damned near impossible, and it's frustrating. It seemed worth the effort to put up with a bit of aggro. I'm not the easiest person to get along with, and I know this. I don't try to be. I can't be bothered. If Ethan can put up with me, I can put up with him being a bit of a drama queen occasionally. (Well, at least until he gets bored and throws me out, any road.)