I bawled when I read this the first time, and every time since. Oh, Kon. *wants to hug him* I am also totally unsurprised he doesn't remember the giant clue here than Jake knows who he is.
Wow! I didn't see that coming at all. I like Dalton so much and knew he was headed for trouble but I wasn't expecting THIS. And it seems the "all my fault" gene from Clark is hereditary. Poor lad, methinks he's adding 2 and 2 anc coming up with 99. He needs Tim!
Aw, Jeez. Poor Kon. Poor Jake. I really like this line:
Something always happened. There was always some sociopath waiting, watching for an opening, to electrocute you or give you a heart attack or beat you down or steal your powers and jump you six to one or start a fucking war.
I like Kon just losing it. And choking out his name. And claiming not to have parents. Aw...
He's right about how goddamn terrible he is at secret identities. There were at least eight places where I was like "!" and not even all of them were when Kon was upset. Tim would have been like that too. It's consistent with canon. I still remember how Kon exploded his locker lock (in the pages of Teen Titans) just because he couldn't remember the combination.
First let me say, I'm loving your story. You're a good writer. But I do have to say, you have the age difference wrong. Superboy was freed from Cadmus in the middle of being rapidly aged, his estimated age at that time was 16. And he celebrated a one year birthday before his aging freeze and death. If Tim was alive thirteen years before Kon was created, he'd still look three years younger. Or if you count the length of time he was dead, he'd still look one year younger. And going a step further, the time Kon was unable to age due to the side effect of his cellular breakdown cure. So maybe they'd look about the same age.
No doubt there could something I'm missing, but I'm pretty sure Tim was about 15 when Kon was released into the world.
Not sure how long the non-aging was in effect, don't think it was ever stated. But with Kon being 16 when released, plus a year birthday, a year stagnant (probably less, but I'm guess) of no aging, and the amount of time since he could age again, he should look around 17 or 18 before his death (of two years) and still 17 or 18 since his return.
If Tim was 15, and he aged and lived normally during those approximated 4 yrs(lol), he should be about 19.
Bah this is giving me headache, especially not knowing exactly how long he couldn't age, how long that he was able to before his death and how long he was actually dead (at least a year obviously [OYL after all]).
Sorry, I can't help it. Tim probably does look a little older, though not taller or as muscular. But actual chronological age difference started out about 15 yrs.
No, it's okay. ^_^ I like talking about the weirder aspects of the DCU.
I'm finding it really funny that your thought process seems to have followed mine. An initial "wait, this doesn't make sense," some math, and then a headache and an implied "aw fuck it, DC is ridiculous."
There's a reason this was my default icon for posts about this story when it was in progress.
Tim seemed to be treating this like any other undercover assignment, which was about the most wonderful and reassuring thing Kon could have hoped for.
Oh, Kon...
"No!" Jake said. The teacher bent to help him up, and one of the cops put a hand on Kon's shoulder just as Jake said, "your eyes," in a warning tone.
Kon dropped his hands. There was a woman standing in front of him with a paper cup - not another nurse, or at least he didn't think so. She was thin and pale, in a blouse and skirt and stocking feet, her brown hair limp around her drawn face. "You're Conner?" she asked, and crouched to his level. "Conner Kent?"
He remembered her all at once, from the funeral, sitting next to Dalton and passing a small girl between their laps whenever she got restless. "This is my fault," he whispered, not trusting his voice.
"The hell it is," she said kindly. "Lucille, can we add him to the list?"
Comments 15
Dalton's girlfriend is awesome.
I'm glad you bawled. Because I'm mean like that. <3
Something always happened. There was always some sociopath waiting, watching for an opening, to electrocute you or give you a heart attack or beat you down or steal your powers and jump you six to one or start a fucking war.
I like Kon just losing it. And choking out his name. And claiming not to have parents. Aw...
He's right about how goddamn terrible he is at secret identities. There were at least eight places where I was like "!" and not even all of them were when Kon was upset. Tim would have been like that too. It's consistent with canon. I still remember how Kon exploded his locker lock (in the pages of Teen Titans) just because he couldn't remember the combination.
I loved writing this chapter. Yay angst!
But I do have to say, you have the age difference wrong. Superboy was freed from Cadmus in the middle of being rapidly aged, his estimated age at that time was 16. And he celebrated a one year birthday before his aging freeze and death.
If Tim was alive thirteen years before Kon was created, he'd still look three years younger. Or if you count the length of time he was dead, he'd still look one year younger. And going a step further, the time Kon was unable to age due to the side effect of his cellular breakdown cure. So maybe they'd look about the same age.
No doubt there could something I'm missing, but I'm pretty sure Tim was about 15 when Kon was released into the world.
If Tim was 15, and he aged and lived normally during those approximated 4 yrs(lol), he should be about 19.
Bah this is giving me headache, especially not knowing exactly how long he couldn't age, how long that he was able to before his death and how long he was actually dead (at least a year obviously [OYL after all]).
Sorry, I can't help it. Tim probably does look a little older, though not taller or as muscular. But actual chronological age difference started out about 15 yrs.
I'm finding it really funny that your thought process seems to have followed mine. An initial "wait, this doesn't make sense," some math, and then a headache and an implied "aw fuck it, DC is ridiculous."
There's a reason this was my default icon for posts about this story when it was in progress.
Tim seemed to be treating this like any other undercover assignment, which was about the most wonderful and reassuring thing Kon could have hoped for.
Oh, Kon...
"No!" Jake said. The teacher bent to help him up, and one of the cops put a hand on Kon's shoulder just as Jake said, "your eyes," in a warning tone.
Kon dropped his hands. There was a woman standing in front of him with a paper cup - not another nurse, or at least he didn't think so. She was thin and pale, in a blouse and skirt and stocking feet, her brown hair limp around her drawn face. "You're Conner?" she asked, and crouched to his level. "Conner Kent?"
He remembered her all at once, from the funeral, sitting next to Dalton and passing a small girl between their laps whenever she got restless. "This is my fault," he whispered, not trusting his voice.
"The hell it is," she said kindly. "Lucille, can we add him to the list?"
"You bet," the nurse said, and smiled.
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