Call for artists

Sep 24, 2009 19:59

Scifibigbang is making a call for artists. The goal is to get all the fics (which will be posted in December) illustrated, and right now about 30 stories, including mine and aravistarkheena's, haven't been claimed.

If I finish Close to Home (my big bang) when I hope to finish it, then I'll probably be illustrating my own fic, but I'd be thrilled if someone were to claim me - or Bek, for that matter, whose fic sounds very interesting (and if I really, really finish early, I might draw for hers, too).

List of Claims Here

If anyone IS interested in drawing for me, let me know and I'll be as exhaustively descriptive as you could possibly want!

You know, it occurs to me, I don't think I've actually stated here, in more than vague terms, what my big bang claim was, so now's as good a time as any:

Title: Close to Home
Fandom: DC Comics
Pairing/Characters: Kon-el, Tim Drake, cast of thousandsabout a dozen
Summary: A murder mystery at Smallville High drives Kon to brush up on his detective work - and his undercover skills. Good thing his best friend is kind of an expert at this stuff.

(There will be boys in tuxes on motorcycles, Kon picking vegetables in minimal clothing, school dance make-outs, and lots of other highly illustrate-able scenes! You want to draw for me! You really do!)

big pimpin, wip of doom (big bang)

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