Fic crossposting

Oct 14, 2012 01:10

Hi there. Long time, no post.  All appearances to the contrary, I am not dead! That's cool, isn't it?

DC hurt my feelings and I stopped wanting to think about it, so I kind of faded out of the fandom. I had a lot of other stuff going ton, too (still do), and my job now isn't as conducive to writing on the clock or staying up all night.

I went more than a year without writing, y'all. What the fuck is that?

Anyway, it is apparently Pornday on tumblr now. glymr just posted two chapters of an epic porn fic she and I had been collaborating on, so I'm linking them here. I also wanted to let people know that I'm kind of going to come back, at least in a limited capacity. I'm trying to figure out the tumblr thing. I just finished a draft of a fic I've been trying to write for over a year, so that will be going up soonish, once it's edited.

In the meantime, have some smut:
Title: Irresistible
Fandom: DCU
Characters: Tim, Dick, Bart, Cassie, Kon
Pairings: Tim/Dick, Tim/Bart, Tim/Kon/Cassie
Rated: Smut
Authors: glymr and iesika
Summary: Tim never realized how much losing his virginity would change things.

[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3]


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