Title: Wimbledon in Budapest
Fandom: Avengers-Doctor Who
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Martha Jones; Jasper Sitwell, the Master
Rating: PG13
Contains: mild violence, background character death
Word Count: 13,541
Summary: A week after the newly-elected British Prime Minister reveals himself as an alien bent on world domination, newly-minted SHIELD Agent Natasha Romanoff is sent to Budapest, where she's assigned to the Londoner medical student who can save them all. It'd be easier if Agent Sitwell wasn't breathing over her shoulder (and if Barton wasn't breathing over the other), but she can tolerate it, as long as they don't get in her way.
Notes: for
marvel-bang. I will have more to say later, but right now I am far too dumbfounded that I actually managed to finish a big bang.
Thanks To: the mods of
marvel-bang, for their smooth running of the comm, and their utmost patience
aurilly, for telling me to calm down, and the last-minute read through
organic_goat, for Safeway Sundays, suffering my insecurities, and for the last-last-minute beta
sullacat, for her ridiculously amazing artwork and fanmix
Part One // Part Two
sullacat's art masterpost