sigh of RELIEF

Nov 03, 2010 10:48

So I had my chem test today and I am SO happy that is over with! When I walked out of the test I felt REALLY good, but I am worried now because I didn't double check everything. I really should have....oh well. We'll see. There really isn't any point to worrying about it now, I can't change it. If anything, I was confident about everythign but one big question (that after talking to people after the test I am pretty sure i got it right) and then 2 little questions. Other then that I felt really good about it. So everyoen corss your fingers and hope I got a solid A! If I do, it'll bump my calss grade up to an A, which would be AWESOME.

I have spoken with someone at Ladue Middle school so I can observe some ina  regular classroom. I am just waiting for the email that confirms it so I can set up a time and date with one of the teachers. My old co-worker, Kim Webb from SHS, her husband teachers 8th grade science. So she already talked to him about it adn he said it was totally cool, just had to go throught he office. So I should be hearing from them by the middle of next week or so.

So once I have that planned, I will talk to Campbell about going back to be with Mrs. Carroll all day. I got my montessori books in the mail and now that my test is over I can actually really start to read them. I brought one with me for today at work. I DO have some Chem work I could do, but I am going to give myself the day off from Chem. I will start again tomorrow. Chem tests are just going to get harder, so I am going to start really studying each chapter when we do it so I don't have as much to do once the tests come up.

So! Things are progressing. I am working stuff out in my head.

I hope everyone voted yesterday! I don't understand not voting...I mean I get where people are coming from when they say "I don't like either candidate, so why should I vote?" 1) 80% of the people that say that didn't actually look into the candidates in the first place. I mean some people do, but others just skim and say NOPE, everyone is corrupt, and then don't vote. 2) If you don't take the time to vote, then don't complain to me about not liking who is in office. You might not like etiher one, but one will be better in your eyes than the other when they are actually in office. You did NOTHING to help who got in, so while you have the legal right to complain, to ME you don't ahve to right to complain because you didn't do jack shit to help the situation. 3) There are TONS of things to vote for on the ballot. Not just the senetors or presidents. Propositions that EFFECT you are on there, so just suck it up, take 20 minutes and go fucking vote. Yes you have the right not to vote, but I think the more important right is that you CAN vote. If no one went out and voted, this country wouldn't be able to work. So get over it and go vote.

end rant.

I really need to registered for my classes at STLCC. I need to get that math requirement removed. So much to do. I also need to go talk to my advisor get get my thing unlocked so I can register for Physics here if god forbid something falls through. I emailed my advisor here so hopfully I can go over and see him sometime today or tomorrow to get my account unlocked so I can register for Physicas here, juuuust in case. I do REALLY need to talk to FlouValley sommunity...mabye I will stop by there today after work, its sort of on the way home. Oh DAMN IT. I don't have my college transcript with me...I'll have to go there tomorrow before work. Eh, thats ok, it'll be less busy that early in the morning.  I can also try to call the advising office.  I dooo need to go in anyways to have my stupid account reset. SO freaking annoying. they chagned teh way they are doing user names and passwords, and I KNOW i did it right and it still locked me out. And you can't just CALL to get it unlocked, you have to go in. Its so stupid. and a HUGE waste of time.

Okies...I guess I am going to read for a bit. See if coach needs me to do anything!
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