(no subject)

Sep 23, 2010 13:36

I have a student in my office right now filling out a contract. I am supposed to "give 'em hell", as coach put it, for getting bad grades. I'm not really sure what to say tho. I am going to say "I don't want to see you back in this office at Mid terms" followed up by telling them not to do whatever excuse they gave me for their bad grades. Like this kid, lost his books. I'm going to say "I don't want to see you back in this office at mid terms. Keep track of your books and study. Loosing your books and failing classes gets mighty expensive."

I am a lot nicer to these kids then coach lol. But I should be harder on them. I think I'll be pretty cool now and if they come back at mid terms that's when I am gonna be like "OK whats up."

lol I also told them I will be tracking their attendance and if they don't go to class I'm gonna come find them lol. The next kid that came in said he was just being stupid. This other kid said he didn't have the right books. They all keep saying "Yes mam" lol. I don't like being mean to them. I'm not MEAN, I am firm.

Anyways. This is my job today. Monitor students that ARE on suspension and yell at the ones that are getting ready for it.

So I got my little sister match from the Big-Sister Little-Sister program yesterday!!!!!!!! I am SO excited! Her name is Kenisha and shes 8. She lives pretty close by, just over by my old place, and her school is partnered with the BSLS program, so I can go see her at school. Like have lunch, hang out with her at before and after care. But I am really excited about it! I get to meet her on Tuesday at her school. Then we can plan our first hang out. I dunno what we should do. Low key I think. Just come over for lunch on sat, meet the family then maybe go play at the park or go get icecream. We couuuuld go to the zoo! I do like the zoo. I dunno, we'll have to see. I have a couple places I want to take her that cost $$, but I want to save those for special ocasions. Or only do stuff like that once in a while. She really wants to go to 6 Flags, which I would be willing to do. A little pricey ($34 a person before parking and food, prob a $115 day) but I'll take her there for her birthday or something.

So work is still going well. I started this entry at 10:30 am and its now 1:30pm. I wish I didn't have to stay for class. I was spoiled by not having class this past week. I mean I have shit I can do and everything, it just sucks because they moved my other office, so I can't go over there before class right now. I am not pleased. I wish I could stay there. But they have another work and learn student coming in who will work for the same person as the other chick that is in there, so I guess it makes sense to keep them together. The other office is down the hall and I don't like it as much. But oh well. There will be a computer and a phone, and I am in there by my self which is kind of cool. It is just part of a share space kind of. I dunno. we'll see. I still don't really understand why we HAVE an office over there, but its cool. Like seriously, we meet all our students and do everything over here. I never do any real work over there.

Eh oh well. I am just chillin with it. i just do what he asks me and a little bit more, so things are going well.

I am so tired. I am SO happy it is Thursday. Another weekend comin up! I can't wait! Tomorrow I am going to study (boo), work on my quilt project, play LOTRO, and do the trim in the bedroom. Then i will keep doing all those things into sat. And sunday. Good weekend : )

I really do need to start studying for my chem test. I have a lot to do for that. Many practice problems, A LOT to memorize (namely my conversion factors). I will start that once coach gets back. He'll want to sit at this desk while he eats his lunch. The man eats so late!! Normally at like 2!! Too late for me. I eat at about 12 or 12:45.

Ok. i am getting boring. Who wants to read about when we eat lunch? really.

I am fading...getting really tired. I need a nap. It would be awesome to sleep...I have napped here before lol. One morning I got here and he was at a coached meeting, so I feel asleep at the other table lol. It was some pretty damn good sleep man.

Well....i guess I'll just start to study now. Or I will play around online until he gets back THEN study. Ok. Thats the plan.
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