Five Acts Meme, round six

Apr 12, 2012 18:26

hosted by the wonderfully fantastic toestastegood
(I will never stop loving this macro)

The Rules:
- Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks/tropes to read about. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
- Link to your list in the master post.
- Read other people's lists.
- Post comment-fic based off of other people's lists.
- Enjoy.
- Round Six will last April 13 - April 19, with an amnesty round to follow mid-May

My List:
- anger. Being angry at somebody, but still loving them. Being angry at somebody, but trying to pretend that you aren't. Longstanding disagreement of ideals that crop up in everyday conversations. The quickening of heartbeats when you just get so angry. Lashing out, verbally or physically. Fights. Anger leading to the Dark Side. Confrontations at diners. [No angry sex, please.*]
- pain/hurt. I like my characters in pain, and causing pain. I like my characters bruised, causing bruises, bloody, causing bloodiness... you get the picture. Bonus points for characters nearly freezing (I watched the Hoth part of The Empire Strikes Back at an impressionable age). Comfort afterwards is fine, but since I tend to like stoic and emotionally repressed characters, it's not necessary. Mostly, I just want characters bruised.
- being shoved against walls. My bulletproof kink. I don't care if it's sexual, during a confrontation, or completely without context; as long as there is one character shoving another against a wall, I will be very happy.
- Star Wars. Because people actually write me Star Wars as an act, because this meme is wonderful. Give me lightsaber battles! Force-choking! Republic politics! Characters on Hoth! Two characters made into Jedi (or Sith) talking! No context needed! I am so easy to please in this category, really.
- diners. I like characters in diners. I could read about characters chatting in diners all day and I would be happy. Also, it's excellent crossover fodder, imo.

*note: Angry sex is wonderful, but not my thing. I like foreplay, I like sensuality, and I love sexual tension; but I don't really care for (reading about) sex. Leave the sexual tension unresolved, or fade to black, please.

My Fandoms:
in more or less level of preference:
Crossovers. I don't know if this counts as a fandom, but I don't care. I absolutely adore crossovers. I listed some pairings below, but feel free to write anything with anyone from the fandoms listed below.
Doctor Who: [to 6.02] Doctor/Master (Ten/Simm or Eleven/Cumberbatch), Jack/Rose, Jack/River, Jack/Eleven, Eleven/Kazran**, Eleven/any guy (except Rory), Ten/Christina de Souza, Donna/Being Awesome, Martha/Being Awesome, Martha+Eleven
X-Men: First Class: Charles/Erik, Emma/Erik with Erik/Charles angst, Moira/Emma, Darwin/Alex/Angel (any permutation)
Suits: Mike/Harvey, Donna+Harvey
Inception: Arthur/Cobb, Arthur/Mal, Arthur/Cobb/Mal, Eames/Mal*, Eames/Yusuf, Eames/Fischer, Saito+Ariadne
Hunger Games: [film-set] Katniss/Cinna, Katniss/Seneca
Supernatural: [s1-s5 only] Dean/Castiel (Michael!Dean/Castiel, Dean/2014!Castiel, 2014!Dean/2014!Castiel, Novakcest-verse Deanstiel/Jacob), Lillith!Ruby/Sam, s3!Ruby/Sam, John!Michael/Mary*, Dean/Brady, Dean Smith/Brady, Dr. Sexy/Dean, Ed/Corbett, Adam/Jo, s4!Ruby/Jo
Merlin: [only through 4.02] Nimueh/Merlin, Merlin/Gwen, Arthur/Merlin, Cenred/Morgause*, Arthur/Nimueh
Torchwood: Jack/Owen, Jack/John, Gwen/Rhys, PC Andy/Sophie (from the 'Bay of the Dead' fanfic novel)
Harry Potter: James/Sirius, (young) Dumbledore/Grindelwald
Red Eye: Jackson/Lisa Force-choking?
Sherlock: best with crossovers, but I ship John/Sherlock, Mycroft/Being Awesome
Firefly: best with crossovers, but I ship Inara/Simon, Zoe/Wash, Mal/Simon

crossover pairings: Eames/Malcolm Reynolds, Fischer/Inara, Mycroft+Saito, Mal/the Master(/the Doctor), Eleven/Ariadne, Christina de Souza/Neal Caffrey, 2014!Dean/Martha Jones, Jo/Ariadne, Mike/Ariadne, Eleven/any guy ever (except Team Free Will), men that look good in suits/other men that look good in suits. I am so easy to please when it comes to crossovers. Give me two characters talking, and I will be happy.

* indicates the rarepairs I never see but am especially fond of.
** somebody write me Eleven/Kazran please

Written By Me:
» Supernatural, Anna/Lucifer, clothing, marks, secrets for joyyjpg
» Supernatural, Sam/Ruby, dystopia, falling, love/hate for minviendha
» The Hunger Games, Katniss/Cinna, clothes borrowing for toestastegood
» Supernatural/Criminal Minds, Adam/Reid, crossover, guilt for ladyknightanka
» Doctor Who, Eleven/Cumberbatch!Master, kissing for emerald-embers
» Doctor Who, Jack/Eleven, formal wear for unavoidedcrisis
» Sherlock-Supernatural, Irene/Bela, BDSM, shyness for amor-remanet
» Firefly, Simon/Inara, listfic, AU, worship for allaroughdraft
and working eight more

one two three four five six seven eight fic, 404 1,560 1,978 2,736 3,674 4,319 4,565 5,474 words, one two three four five six fandoms «

Written For Me:
« Dean/Castiel + Jack Harkness, shoving and Star Wars from shadownashira
« 2014!Dean/Martha pain/hurt from garnet-words
« Katniss/Cinna wallshoving from toestastegood
« Arthur/Merlin Star Wars, anger, pain/hurt, wallshoved from ladyknightanka

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meme: five acts

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