Of all the hundreds of photos i took, it still wasn't nearly enough.
Well, it's true.
Somehow this became commonplace. How, I'm still not sure.
Quite simply: home.
Meran: bus stop.
My favorite series of pictures.
l to r: ich, Ben, Grace
Treff: Jäger shots.
l to r: Nate, Lorenza, Trina, Chelsea, Anna, Grace, Ryan
Bozen: Anna, in the corner, photographs.
This picture makes me so so so homesick. The window just right of center is mine, and in the bigger version you can see the alcohol outside the window; there wasn't enough room in our fridge to contain the alcohol of twelve drinkers, so we all stashed it on our window ledges. Natural refridgeration!
For Wilderness Medicine: this is nowhere near as comfortable as it might look. But I suppose it'd be better than walking down a mountain with an injury, so there you go.
We went to Spondinig-Prad, a tiny tiny little town in the Vinschgau, for Fasching, which is a sort of fertility festival welcoming spring. (Note: spring did not properly arrive in Northern Italy until, say, April.) The ubiquitous Jesus.
I'm not sure what exactly got smeared on our faces (shoe polish? tar? paint? who knows!), but apparently it is supposed to represent fertility, which was especially funny running around with it on our faces in the streets of Meran, and having a man call Anna and I shönes Mädchens.
l to r: ich, Anna, Grace, Ben, Johanna
Nik, the charmer. Or, the most frustrating boss on workdays. Our first workday or five, we pruned pear trees, which was hellish. So one workday, I had enough, told Nik, "If you make me prune pear trees, I will push you off the mountain." Nik smiles at me, says, "Well, you have three choices: you can prune pear trees, you can prune the trees that pears grow on, or you can trim trees with pears." Nik thinks he's real funny.
This photo sums these folk up pretty nicely, I think. Weirdly.
l to r: Grace, Anna (mostly obscured), Lyra, Melissa
Birthday party for Jim, a surprise! We tried to get some presents (see: basket), but they wound up being kind of silly. Jim is such a sport.
A nice crucifix (they are everywhere) on the way up the mountain to Dorf Tirol. Ben & I almost got run over by a truck right about here.
Tunnel to Schloss Tirol; which was kind of scary because cars would come through (not very many, but still) and I was just in there, walking. This was on the day I took my camera all over Dorf Tirol, photographing mostly crucifixes and churches.
Four of us took a four-hour bus trip to Venice for Carnevale; this is on the water taxi to Piazza San Marco. The funny part of this picture is the fact that Ben's dear momma had sent him this digital camera that he had to pay 60€ to get (o, insurance on packages!) and the lcd screen broke on Fasching-night, spontaneously. Ben's pictures, consequently, are hilarious.
Chelsea: completely unimpressed with Venice. (Actually, hungover & tired from the crazy night we had before leaving at god-only-knows how early that morning.)
I am heartsick for this place. I wrote a whole paper for the Cantos class about the siren song effect Venice had on Pound - mostly because this is the effect it had on me. It ruined me for all the other cities we saw: Florence had nice art, Rome had fantastic ruins, but Venice has my heart.
One of two best pizza places in Italy: the second time we came to Venice, I led a group there by instinct, "oh, just a few more bridges and we're there."
Jesus, again. (Told you he's everywhere.)
Treff: Carnevale party. Yes, Anna really is embracing this man. No, I really don't know how to feel about him.
Monestary in Bozen. (Or maybe Brixen.)
Mary, Virgin and Mother. (Bozen? Brixen? I should have made note, but by golly I take a lot of pictures.)
Dorf Tirol: Ben looking kind of homeless. Earlier that evening, he had received a haircut in the form of a half-mullet, half-mohawk. It was hideous.
AAAH AAAH AAAH. Take me back.
(I used up an entire memory card plus the internal memory on my camera on photos of Venice alone.)
(photo by Grace) - Ben & I, wandering around Murano. Little did we know Grace had stumbled upon us and was photographing us.
(Grace taking a photo of Ben getting a haircut from a barber on the island of Murano, fixing up the haircut I gave him to rid him of his rat-tail. The barber told me never to cut hair again; to my credit, I was using whacked-up scissors and it was the first time I cut hair.)
Palazzo Ducale.
well, my window / looked out on the Squero where Ogni Santi / meets San Trovaso / things have ends and beginnings
by the soap-smooth stone posts where San Vio / meets with il Canal Grande / between Salviati and the house that was of Don Carlos / shd/I chuck the lot into the tide-water?
San Michele: best gravemarker ever.
San Michele: Mary und Mary.
That faint white line just above the horizon is the Alps, as seen from Venice. Incredible!
St Patrick's Day: Nate in Meran.
Group shot/worst night of my life. I'm the drunkard in the way back.
l to r (back): Lorenza, (ich), Chelsea, Nate, Grace, Anna, Lyra, Ben, Adra, Trina
l to r (front): Melissa, Johanna, Ryan
Adra, headed to the top.
We were pretty high up. We took a trolley(?) to the house that is closest to the photo, then hiked up. It was fun! There was still snow up there! Everything looked so flat down the mountain, too, but that is kind of a lie.
As soon as Anna mentioned wanting to put the cat in her bag to take her back with us, the cat bounded from Grace's lap. Too bad.
Inside the Duomo (Florence): ecce homo, for Chelsea, who called our hotel manager that in the middle of the night because he took away the phone. (Ecce homo means, of course, "here is the man.")
Ok, so I was convinced this called Hadrian's Tower, but I am not so sure. All my knowledge of Roman ruins has failed me!
Vatican City.
View of Roma from inside the Vatican.
My favorite: the map room.
Brunnenburg/secret garden.
Sizzo and Jesus, catacombs of some monestary.
a mind leaping like dolphins
Sizzo in Switzerland.
The pool of the Von Trapp family castle. (Yes, that Trapp family.)
Prague: I'm pretty sure this synagogue was on something like "Jewish Street," but I could be making that up because it would be funny.
Prague: Krzikova 9, Ben & I, absinthe night. (spring break!)
Prague, Karluv Most/Charles Bridge.
Prague: Easter Sunday, pressing the panel for good luck. (There is so much untold in this photo, that cannot be told here. This is one of my favorite photos from the trip.)
München: Ben is the Chinese Tower.
Ben wanted to order the beer here, so I told him to ask for zwei Bier, which he did. The waiter confirmed, "zwei Weissebier?" and I said, "nein, nein, zwei regular Bier." He chuckled and went off, bringing us back two weissebier. We drank them, obviously, then went next door to the less-classy place and got a litre of beer each. Fun times!
Dachau: sunlight.
Dachau: "special" prisons.
München: We climbed the tower of the oldest church in München, which offers these spectacular views. This one is of Marienplatz, a pretty main square of the city, where the Glockenspiel is (a useless fifteen minutes of your life, gone).
München: take five.
Meran. One of the last days of the trip, Mary and her cousin Peter (who had driven from England and was the dearest old man) drove me down to Meran, seeing that I was leaving anyway, and I explored parts of the city that I hadn't seen in the three months I was there. It was amazing and I wish I had done it sooner. Mary charged me with counting all the red benches I saw on my way to the internet cafe, and this was clearly my favorite.
Best group shot, everyone in the castle.
l to r (back): Sizzo, Adra, Ryan, Melissa, Lyra, Anna, Trina, Jim, Mary, ich, (Lorenza hiding there in the back), Brigitte, Graziella
l to r (front): Nate, Chelsea, Grace, Ben, Johanna, Mary, Peter
Our final meal in the castle. Chelsea's momma sent her a birthday party in a box for her birthday, which included twelve leis for each of us. We wore them intermittently throughout the trip, whenever we were feeling a mite silly, but someone got the idea to bring them to the dinner. Mary was thrilled with hers. Sizzo & I ("little Sizzo") had matching orange ones, unintentionally.
I miss it so much.